Spare Magazine or not Backcountry Sidearm

I carry my G20 while bowhunting and the mag I take is loaded with alternating rounds of hollow point and hard cast. So one in the chamber and 15 additional rounds.
Is there evidence that hard cast doesn't work on humans in self-defense scenarios? I have seen some hollowpoint tests fail fpr oenetration when the test dummy (we'll call him denim dan) was wearing a few layers of denim. personally, I'd take 15 rnds of hard cast all day long if overpenetration, say inside my home, was not a concern. Just curious to know what's driving that decision.
Backup mag on a day hunt when I’m less concerned about weight. Overnighter when I’m more concerned about weight…might leave the extra mag at home but I usually talk myself into bringing it.

But I’m also in CA so two mags only gets me 5 more rounds than a single mag in other states.
Is there evidence that hard cast doesn't work on humans in self-defense scenarios? I have seen some hollowpoint tests fail fpr oenetration when the test dummy (we'll call him denim dan) was wearing a few layers of denim. personally, I'd take 15 rnds of hard cast all day long if overpenetration, say inside my home, was not a concern. Just curious to know what's driving that decision.
I shot a Blacktail 3 times in the vitals with 220 hard cast at 1200fps out of my 10mm at 25 yards.All 3 were pass throughs and the internal damage looked like I just shot it with a FMJ. A minute later I had to shoot it in the neck to finish it off. I’ll stick to hollow points on deer and 2 legged critters.
I shot a Blacktail 3 times in the vitals with 220 hard cast at 1200fps out of my 10mm at 25 yards.All 3 were pass throughs and the internal damage looked like I just shot it with a FMJ. A minute later I had to shoot it in the neck to finish it off. I’ll stick to hollow points on deer and 2 legged critters.
Was that whitetail wearing denim? Crazy, must have been a canadian whitetail. I specifically mentioned where the test showed hollowpoints weren't penetrating to vitals on humans in denim...not sure what that has to do with hardcast punching through a whitetail.

If my life is on the line, I'd feel much more comfortable with guaranteed penetration, ymmv
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Glock 20. Generally 15 rounds (so I can clear the gun without a spare round rolling around. I will occasionally carry a spare mag but its rare. A mag full of buffalo bore is ~11oz and that seems a little heavy for the potential benefit.

For what its worth, I doubt you would find the need for more than a few rounds on anything that wasn't on two legs or possibly a pack of wolves as described above. Even with 2-legged varmints, stats will tell you gun fights tend to be short and involve very few rounds.
One fifteen round mag of 9mm in my cz or two seven round mags for a 1911 45 acp. Bullet choice will depend on if I'm worried about bears or hostile bipeds.
Yea, this guy was defiantly having the worst day possible. Here is the article if you’re interested.

Sadly I grew up in Ga. and I have hunted more than one area there with stray dog issues. I'd say in GA. You are most likely to need that glock 20 for things in this order....people, stray/wild dogs, hogs, then everything else.

I carry a glock 20 as well most hunts. I only carry one mag. If I burn through it like previously said...bad, bad day.
I think a spare magazine is more for malfunctions/loss then for additional ammo for shooting. A lot of pistol malfunctions (failure to feed) are caused by bad magazines and not the gun. Also, what if your mag fell out when hiking? Not sure what holster you use but not all of them cover the mag release.

If you're that worried about weight, you could always carry a Glock 19 with spare mag which I bet would weigh almost about the same as a Glock 20 without a spare. There's also some studies that show hardcast 9mm penetrating just as good as 10mm. After doing some research, I carry a 9mm when in the backcountry now and my 10mm just sits in the safe (but I also don't hunt in grizzly territory).
The Glock ten mm does not require or need an aftermarket barrel. Just clean it.

During a bear attack, I don’t think swapping a mag is a realistic option.
Carry a G20 every day all day and a spare mag always. More for the tweaker potential in the woods than anything else. If I have to go into a city, that means even more spares these days.
I carry while I hunt for the same reason why I carry anywhere else, the two legged creatures in the woods. I've never had an encounter with a bear or any other wildlife where I thought I needed it, however hunting in the Colorado front range I have come across many meth and homeless camps which are becoming more and more prevalent and there have been enough news stories here of hikers and other people having bad run ins with those people that have decided to make the national forest their home. I carry an extra mag just liek I would anywhere else.