Spare Magazine or not Backcountry Sidearm

Not sure whats up woth the lecture was a simple question.

But to sum this No data to support staggering HP with hard cast.
"Lecture tone"???????

Not sure what that even means or implies. You asked a question......I answered it. I guess I could have just said "because I want to" like a 5 year old, but that's not much help IMO. Is there data to support non-staggering in every possible situation??
JjamesIII: I did some work for a fellow mining engineer that interceeded in a noisy domestic dispute in a motel. I the middle of the confrontation the guy shot him in the back with a 357. My guy took the gun away from him and nearly beat him to death with it. Then he went to the hospital for repairs. He healed up over a year or so.
JjamesIII: I did some work for a fellow mining engineer that interceeded in a noisy domestic dispute in a motel. I the middle of the confrontation the guy shot him in the back with a 357. My guy took the gun away from him and nearly beat him to death with it. Then he went to the hospital for repairs. He healed up over a year or so.
Moral of the story is don't get in the middle of domestics. Cops can tell you, the spouse you save will turn around and testify that you where the aggressive one and that the abuser was just defending themselves.

Well, truth is, just be careful about how you do it. The don't get involved advice has it's own problems and leads to things like the crowed of cowards that stood by and watched a pitbull kill a 3 year old (I have broken up two pitbulls fighting while a dozen people just stood around and yelled, so yes, I will say for a fact I would take on one pit bare handed to save a child and as such have no qualms calling those who would not cowards).

Now I'm just rambling before work, but I agree with your intended moral, plenty of people can have multiple holes in them and still function. A wise man assumes any opponent will be such a person and plans accordingly.
Moral of the story is don't get in the middle of domestics. Cops can tell you, the spouse you save will turn around and testify that you where the aggressive one and that the abuser was just defending themselves.

Well, truth is, just be careful about how you do it. The don't get involved advice has it's own problems and leads to things like the crowed of cowards that stood by and watched a pitbull kill a 3 year old (I have broken up two pitbulls fighting while a dozen people just stood around and yelled, so yes, I will say for a fact I would take on one pit bare handed to save a child and as such have no qualms calling those who would not cowards).

Now I'm just rambling before work, but I agree with your intended moral, plenty of people can have multiple holes in them and still function. A wise man assumes any opponent will be such a person and plans accordingly.
A couple of years ago, a local lady called the cops because her SO was beating her. The cops showed up, arrested her SO, and - when she realized they were taking him to jail - she attacked the cops. In line with your point: unless you think a life is at stake, don't inject yourself into a domestic dispute.
For EDC, Yes I carry a spare mag. That being said, reloads are statistically irrelevant for civilians. Given my G20 is already a heavy bugger to lug for miles and miles of bow hiking, I leave the spare mag at home when hunting.
You had an experience near the border where you dumped a mag and had to reload? Do tell.
Would love to here this story as I hunt on the border a lot
Long story short:

Was hunting solo and heard human noises. Ignored my gut instinct as I had hunters all over me throughout the day. Got late and things didn't feel right. Loaded a round in my rifle, put it in the ready position, and headed back to vehicle.

Moments later ran head-first into a north-bound group. Group splintered; some took off and some stayed. Individuals that stayed had evil eyes and stayed close (2-3 yards). Terrain and vegetation forced single file which made it easy to keep rifle pointed in general direction (not "at" per previous BP guidance).

Terrain opened up and the tag-alongs fanned out and still kept a few yards away. Their "probing for weakness" (think nature show) increased at which point I transitioned to dual-wielding my rifle (one pro about a lightweight rifle) and now my handgun. This continued to my vehicle (wide arc to clear area). Tag-alongs would not leave and their "probing" increased. Got BP on the phone and on-site at which point the tag-alongs were detained.

Went back in the AM to continue to hunt and someone came in during the night to the exact spot BP and I were parked, loaded up quite a few folks and left. This was based upon the tracks (vehicle and foot) from the night before versus those when I got there in the AM. It was crazy in that they literally came to the exact spot and not any of the thousands of other places they could have stopped to pick folks up. Lots of what ifs with that tidbit.

Have a friend in BP that works in the sector. I ultimately found out this was a group of MS-13 being brought north. Chance encounter led them to wanting my vehicle and would have done whatever was needed to get it. The tag-alongs wound up staying to allow the rest to get away. If I was unarmed or only had my rifle, this likely would have been a worse situation. But having the pistol was the "equalizer" due to the numbers.

While this sucked (brought on by my own stupidity), it is still a low likelihood event even in today's environment. Most folks you may encounter down south want to avoid you as much as you want to avoid them. But in the off chance you do meet, it may be beneficial to being prepared to some extent.
You’re a press of a butting away from losing your mag and it happens. Mags can have issues too. I don’t care if the mag holds a hundred rounds, there’s reasons to carry a spare mag beyond just how many rounds you think you might need in a gun fight.
Didn't see this mentioned, but one thing I'd strongly suggest is that if you're going to use any ammo new to your gun, you vet the combo for reliability. More than a magazine full, and with all of the mags you might use. Glocks are generally about as reliable as pistols can be, but sometimes when using ammo with new bullet shapes, different LOAs, different power factors, etc., functioning can be problematic. Recoil springs "tire", magazine lips can become fatigued and/or other issues that might not have existed with "normal" rounds can crop up.

As for which gun, caliber, reload or not - - - I'd think that would depend upon the likely "problem", but ought to start with the gun you are most familiar and competent with.

I hear you on options.

Had a long stalk, trailing mulies, end with helicopters and BP trucks busting a gang less than a mile out made me like extra ammo.
You’re a press of a butting away from losing your mag and it happens. Mags can have issues too. I don’t care if the mag holds a hundred rounds, there’s reasons to carry a spare mag beyond just how many rounds you think you might need in a gun fight.
4 inches of duct tape is a lot lighter and will keep the mag in the gun.

My question is who in their right mind woud carry a pistol/holster combo where this is a concern? If you need the pistol, do you check for a mag when you draw? Or do you go bang click (or just click if not keeping one in the pipe)?
Long story short:

Was hunting solo and heard human noises. Ignored my gut instinct as I had hunters all over me throughout the day. Got late and things didn't feel right. Loaded a round in my rifle, put it in the ready position, and headed back to vehicle.

Moments later ran head-first into a north-bound group. Group splintered; some took off and some stayed. Individuals that stayed had evil eyes and stayed close (2-3 yards). Terrain and vegetation forced single file which made it easy to keep rifle pointed in general direction (not "at" per previous BP guidance).

Terrain opened up and the tag-alongs fanned out and still kept a few yards away. Their "probing for weakness" (think nature show) increased at which point I transitioned to dual-wielding my rifle (one pro about a lightweight rifle) and now my handgun. This continued to my vehicle (wide arc to clear area). Tag-alongs would not leave and their "probing" increased. Got BP on the phone and on-site at which point the tag-alongs were detained.

Went back in the AM to continue to hunt and someone came in during the night to the exact spot BP and I were parked, loaded up quite a few folks and left. This was based upon the tracks (vehicle and foot) from the night before versus those when I got there in the AM. It was crazy in that they literally came to the exact spot and not any of the thousands of other places they could have stopped to pick folks up. Lots of what ifs with that tidbit.

Have a friend in BP that works in the sector. I ultimately found out this was a group of MS-13 being brought north. Chance encounter led them to wanting my vehicle and would have done whatever was needed to get it. The tag-alongs wound up staying to allow the rest to get away. If I was unarmed or only had my rifle, this likely would have been a worse situation. But having the pistol was the "equalizer" due to the numbers.

While this sucked (brought on by my own stupidity), it is still a low likelihood event even in today's environment. Most folks you may encounter down south want to avoid you as much as you want to avoid them. But in the off chance you do meet, it may be beneficial to being prepared to some extent.
Thanks for sharing - I'm in Texas and the border issue is just a complete nightmare at this point. Not gonna get any better anytime soon.
You’re a press of a butting away from losing your mag and it happens. Mags can have issues too. I don’t care if the mag holds a hundred rounds, there’s reasons to carry a spare mag beyond just how many rounds you think you might need in a gun fight.
How is the mag release being depressed while in the holster? Pine needle build-up?
How is the mag release being depressed while in the holster? Pine needle build-up?
The mag released is exposed in any kydex holster I've ever owned. I've had magazines eject out of 2 different striker fire pistols while wearing them on my person.

I work as a builder and and often climbing in between tight framing and roof systems. It's happened in those instances. Not sure why it couldn't happen hunting.

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4 inches of duct tape is a lot lighter and will keep the mag in the gun.

My question is who in their right mind woud carry a pistol/holster combo where this is a concern? If you need the pistol, do you check for a mag when you draw? Or do you go bang click (or just click if not keeping one in the pipe)?

Are you seriously suggesting taping the magazine into the gun? Do you realize how stupid that is? Any semi auto pistol can experience malfunctions that require dropping the mag and by doing that you just screwed yourself.
I don’t think he’s taping the magazine to ship like a box. Just a thought.

I really don’t think he’s stupid either. I don’t do it, but I can envision exactly what he means. And during a bear attack, you aren’t swapping magazines.
The original point was addressing a guys worry about losing his magazine, which I’ve never thought about or have done, not combat reloads after you’ve dumped 15-16 rounds of semi auto pistol fire with a grizzer bear on your chest.
I don’t know why dudes on here insist on being so doggone nasty to people they don’t even know. He might even have more experience with the big bears than you.

Petersons Rules for Life-
“ Treat and assume that whoever you are talking to knows something that you don’t.”

Take care, be safe and God Bless.
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Are you seriously suggesting taping the magazine into the gun? Do you realize how stupid that is? Any semi auto pistol can experience malfunctions that require dropping the mag and by doing that you just screwed yourself.
If you carry a pistol/holster combo where you think your mag can end up on the ground, yes, in the back country you are better taping it in. For an attacking cat or bear you are unlikely to be blessed with the time to clear a jamb. Carrying a jamb prone weapon with a mag that is prone to fall out for self defense is an action that is a bit past your choice word. I have owned (note the past tense) pistols were I would worry about a malfunction. I certainly would not choose to carry them.

I find it funny that you think having a mag on the ground a mile back is acceptable, but have a mag that takes an extra 2 seconds to remove is not.

I also find guys who need to run around the woods with a speed reload mag accessable entertaining. There is a long list of other things one should give mental effort to in the back country that come before that. But, I guess we all have our blankie.

Example of something better to worry about, if you press a the muzzle of a semiautomatic into something, you take the gun out of battery. So, if unlucky enough to have the bear or cat on top of you, you may just get a click or nothing with a trigger pull. Have you trained for that? You will also likely have a single shot if it does fire because the slide is going to hit you or tha animal, good luck clearing that malfunction in that situation.

Carry a double action revolver and you do not need to worry about dropping a mag, malfunctions are less likely, and you don't have to learn braced contact shooting or worry about having a single shot while nature is crunching your bones.
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The mag released is exposed in any kydex holster I've ever owned. I've had magazines eject out of 2 different striker fire pistols while wearing them on my person.

I work as a builder and and often climbing in between tight framing and roof systems. It's happened in those instances. Not sure why it couldn't happen hunting.

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Ambidextrous mag release?