Spain/Austria Ibex Hunts

Also be careful on the auctions if just looking at financials. As I've been looking, they initially appear to be good deals, but be sure to read fine print on what's actually included. When you factor everything in, my math doesn't show saving much. (And of course at the auctions drinks may be flowing so you may not have your laptop out running a spreadsheet haha --- plus at end of day hopefully purchasing an auction hunt is considreed more of a donation to admirable organization working to support wildlife).
I think he is talking about that almost 80% of the Gredos permits are offered in Government auctions, then the outffiters go to this auction and bid for the different trophies. The problem is that for foreigners is very difficult almost impossible participate in the auctions, only locals hunters and outffiters can go. But nowdays, Gredos ibex is really expensive in the past you can find very cheap in the auctions now even for us the locals id very expensive. You have to understand that maybe a gold Gredos ibex can be up 18.000 USD in the auction and of course the outffiter have to charge you the expenses, the 21% vat and he has to gain money from this job... Then is not possible to find in cheap price, but if you find a good outffiter he will charge not to much money , others will charge you double of the price of the real cost.
The other 20% tags are in private areas , but they are also very expensive because these lands cost a fortune and usually the outffiters that own these lands have a waiting list for hunting with them.
Caza planteta is good outffiter I worked with them many tims and he is one of the most reputable outffiters here in Spain, I can't say the same of Bruno rosicht although he all the years have many clients.
Spain Chamois! Sorry for the late reply, I honestly forgot about posting a picture.
One of my top hunts for sure. Great mountains, scenery, and wine!
This chamois was everything that I wanted out of the trip, a mature animal. It was 12 years old and has seen some life. Great mass and length.

I can’t recommend Spain enough for a couples trip. I had heard from a good friend of mine that has been multiple times on how much fun it would be and it did not disappoint.
If you are thinking about going, GO!
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What was your itinerary like? Hunt, play travel, etc?
I hunted Gredos. Went a week earlier than my wife & kids. They flew in 5 or 6 days after I did.
Literally got my Gredos on the 1st morning. So I had to tour around by myself until my wife & kids met me.
It's a 1 day hunt usually. You can then add on Follow Deer & Mouflon Sheep if you want to spend money.
What was your itinerary like? Hunt, play travel, etc?
We decided to go to Madrid 2 days early and caught a Real Madrid game. Highly recommend. If you are a sports fan of any kind the atmosphere is really fun to be a part of.

Then moved to Northern Spain and hunted for 3 1/2 days total out of a scheduled 6 day hunt if I remember correctly. After me and my buddy got our animals we went and toured around Northern Spain & Andora with our wives for a few days. Which the outfitters tour guide had taken our wives to Andora and the surrounding areas while we were hunting. Really had a great time going to the country side of Northern Spain.

Moved to Barcelona after the hunt and spent 5 days wondering the city seeing the sites, eating good food and wine.
Also, does anyone have a good resource or website that explains the CIC or bronze/silver/gold horn sizing?

All the pricing looks to be by measurement and I see price increase by the CIC point.

Being unfamiliar with field judging these animals, I thought it would be helpful to look at animals from previous hunts and see how they scored. For example, it would be very helpful to have an idea of what an ibex at bronze looks like on the mountain or even after taxi vs one at silver, gold, etc.
Also, does anyone have a good resource or website that explains the CIC or bronze/silver/gold horn sizing?

All the pricing looks to be by measurement and I see price increase by the CIC point.

Being unfamiliar with field judging these animals, I thought it would be helpful to look at animals from previous hunts and see how they scored. For example, it would be very helpful to have an idea of what an ibex at bronze looks like on the mountain or even after taxi vs one at silver, gold, etc.
I was worried about this thing when I went on my first trip. I spoke with an outfitter and asked him if he could provide a resource and he ended up sending me a bunch of pictures and video of different size animals. It was very helpful and allowed me to set my budget.

There’s obviously a lot of experienced folks on this thread, but my outfitter over there takes you to a specific area(s) where the genetics are going to dictate the size. The goal is to kill an old bronze, silver, or gold, etc. I’ve hunted all four and I didn’t see a lot of old bronze medal animals running with gold ones and vice versa. Hope that helps!
Don't worry about CIC system, usually before booking a hunt all the outffiters are going to send you a lot of pictures that show you the different classification. When you finally go on hunt, usually you say the outffiters what kind of trophy are you looking because is true that some areas have better or worse genetics than others, but in everyarea you can find any kind of trophy size, we scout the animal with the binoculars, camera or monocular and show to the hunter, then explain him this is a " bronce" or " gold" about ... years, if hunter like it and sweet for his budget you decide try to hunt it, if he don't like you continue looking other.
What surprised me was that say you decide on an ibex up to 75”. Then you are told this is what we are after and you shoot the animal. Yea he looks great in the glass and you are happy but when they put a tape on him he’s 61”. So should I be wondering if we could have down a little better or just be happy with what I got? And remember this is on the SCI system so 75cm total for both horns. At the end of the day you are talking about a difference of 2.5 inches on each horn and that can be a tough call I think when judging animals in the field. So as long as you are happy with what you are looking at then pull the trigger and enjoy the experience.

It also seemed to me they were more judges on by age class and then figured it was close to what you were looking for cm wise with the bronze, silver or gold classifications.
I went with Corju in Nov for Beceite and had an absolute blast. Couldn’t recommend a better outfit and did some sight seeing a couple days before and after. Everything they did was first class.


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