I went on a boat hunt out of whitter ak 2 years ago and loved it. it was my grampas last hunt and i wanted it to be a trip of a lifetime and it was. I have been trying to figure out how to do this same type of hunt on my own ever since. I think i finaly have it figured out. fly to ketchikan, jeaneu, wrangel, pettersburg... then charter a otter flight out to one of the forest service cabins. rent a inflatable raft and a small outboard and have it flown in with us. i have found the places to get all the stuff and the logistics are there. My question is has anyone else done this?
we are looking at a 2014 hunt right now so we have a lot of time to plan it out. we are doing a float trip for moose this fall and a elk muzzy hunt in 13.
we are looking at a 2014 hunt right now so we have a lot of time to plan it out. we are doing a float trip for moose this fall and a elk muzzy hunt in 13.