south dakota outfitters

For rifle in the 6 major areas in the NW corner 35A, 35C, 15A, 53A. 35L, 53C rifle mule deer buck harvest was 1067. Whitetail Buck was 1193. Total resident tags 1775 total no res 156 or about 8%. If every NR harvest a buck out of the total it would be around 7% of the total harvest of bucks. If every NR harvested JUST MD bucks it would be 14% of the total MD bucks harvest. We know that is not that case as I myself know 6 guys that shot WT bucks in those units as NRs.

Is the measurement that if NRs are X % of the tags they have to only shoot X amount of a select section of animals? If you cut NR tags down to 1% of the tags sold but they kill 2% of that selected group tags now have to be cut?

In my opinion...more Whitetail tags have to be given out in most areas out west and less Mule Deer tags. Places like MT and even SD with the "Any Buck" or "any deer" tags need to make people choose. You hear about it all the time Resident or NR "I was looking for a big whitetail but season was ending so I shot thie small Mule Deer buck..." And I will argue till the cows come home that it is in no greater proportion NRs over Residents or Vice Versa. But residents need to understand that they are contributing to the issue as are NRs. If SD made a major effort to cut tags in a meaning full amount or limit residents to only being able to apply for 1 buck tag a year I would believe them a little bit more when they say it is for population management or for their own resident opportunity.
We need to cut r and nr rifle tags for both deer numbers are bad and after this winter won’t be any better . Take the rifle season out of the rut and no reason for archery to run from September to January. I’m also glad everyone thinks the nw corner is the spot to be for mule deer hope it stays that way.
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I don’t know .15 cents a day is pretty cheap. That’s like 7 cans of chew a couple 30 racks of bush light. Not even one tank of gas maybe a half dozen arrows if you get cheap ones. One bag of dog food. Overal I think for what we get it’s a pretty good deal.

Well for my wife and I that $110 is just the start. We don't add up those numbers, same with animal expenses. 😉

I agree, SD is a bargain, but every year camp sites and licenses get harder to get and more expensive. And the license is actually $58, correct? Even if I buy them on the SDGFP website they charge me a vendor fee.
Well for my wife and I that $110 is just the start. We don't add up those numbers, same with animal expenses. 😉

I agree, SD is a bargain, but every year camp sites and licenses get harder to get and more expensive. And the license is actually $58, correct? Even if I buy them on the SDGFP website they charge me a vendor fee.
It’s 68 for everything with the migratory bird stuff on there speaking of that need to get my kids before he turns 18. Being I live 10 minutes from hunting everything but elk and Oahe is out the back door it’s still pretty cheap fun .
It’s 68 for everything with the migratory bird stuff on there speaking of that need to get my kids before he turns 18. Being I live 10 minutes from hunting everything but elk and Oahe is out the back door it’s still pretty cheap fun .

Ya, we wouldn't live without it. Planning on 9 days at Oahe in July. Beachcomb, spearfish, wander. Pretty excited about that trip!
I wouldn’t be too upset about a tag increase across the board for residents and NR’s. The state rec areas/campgrounds and outdoor campus west in Rapid are fantastic facilities. I’d love to see that stuff continue and expand. Tags are a drop in the bucket compared to what I end up spending every year fishing walleyes on Oahe and Sharpe.
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I wouldn’t be too upset about a tag increase across the board for residents and NR’s. The state rec areas/campgrounds and outdoor campus west in Rapid are fantastic facilities. I’d love to see that stuff continue and expand. Tags are a drop in the bucket compared to what I end up spending every year fishing walleyes on Oahe and Sharpe.

I think we are probably in that group that can afford to live this life no matter the cost. I just worry that it's getting to be really significant for young people.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of our opportunities here in SD, not always of SDGFP, but I have no real complaints.
I hunted antelope in NW and saw couple smaller
Mulies. Didn’t see any 150’s or anything close where we were at

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Drought and pressure have wreaked havoc the last several years. Talk to anyone who has hunted the northwest or southwest corners of the state for a long time you they can tell you how far it has fallen off. I'm in an awkward position on this since im a resident and my brother is now a nonresident, so I get torn two ways. I want to hunt with him as much as i can, but the quality has really been sucking the last 5 years very noticeably. Both deer and antelope. There has been tremendous NR antelope pressure alot of places i hunt, so thst sucks. I don't have anything against nonresident hunters, as I am one in other states. South Dakota definitely needs to reevaluate their management practices, they seem to get way behind the curve before they realize the shitshow mess thry are in, just about every time. Same thing happened in the Black Hills, they for a long stretch had a 2pt antler restriction, so every retarded fork horn muley got wacked from the side of the road. I'm up to 13 resident points trying to draw a resident any deer rifle tag. Have i seen mule deer that are worth waiting 13 yrs to hunt, NO, there might be a couple somewhere I'm not familiar with, but at this point I haven't seen one in all the time i spend out there.
Just terrible management showing through.
Also, for resident hunters our special buck tag was 175.00 plus 10.00 conservation stamp. These are only good on private ground and you have to have permission and a landowner name and phone number to submit with the application, so pretty steep if going that route. Thats for a rifle tag. But, just looking out for the resources resident and nonresident needs some serious attention.
The national forest you’re speaking of is actually limited entry for archery and you can only hunt it after drawing an access permit. May have been why you barely saw anyone.
This was before the limited entry was enforced but while it was being discussed/ brought to the forefront. I believe a year or two it was a free and unlimited item you need to hunt those areas so they could get an idea how many people were in there. So when I was there there was zero reason not to see people.
This was before the limited entry was enforced but while it was being discussed/ brought to the forefront. I believe a year or two it was a free and unlimited item you need to hunt those areas so they could get an idea how many people were in there. So when I was there there was zero reason not to see people.
It sounds like your overall experience hunting the area is a bit outdated then. License sales have boomed in recent years, and I think you'd be a little surprised if you came back.
It sounds like your overall experience hunting the area is a bit outdated then. License sales have boomed in recent years, and I think you'd be a little surprised if you came back.
It was literally when they were screaming about the Sept 1 opener for NRs and crowding and shortly after. So how since then, as you stated the Natl Forest has been capped, can the crowding be worse on the Natl Forest? Again the last times I hunted it those places were unlimited Plus I have been back to SD hunting other areas and haven't really had issues finding places away from people. Openers are always crowded and that last week or two of Antelope archery I will agree is a zoo.
Did you hunt deer on SD public land in that area each of the last 3 seasons?