We need to cut r and nr rifle tags for both deer numbers are bad and after this winter won’t be any better . Take the rifle season out of the rut and no reason for archery to run from September to January. I’m also glad everyone thinks the nw corner is the spot to be for mule deer hope it stays that way.For rifle in the 6 major areas in the NW corner 35A, 35C, 15A, 53A. 35L, 53C rifle mule deer buck harvest was 1067. Whitetail Buck was 1193. Total resident tags 1775 total no res 156 or about 8%. If every NR harvest a buck out of the total it would be around 7% of the total harvest of bucks. If every NR harvested JUST MD bucks it would be 14% of the total MD bucks harvest. We know that is not that case as I myself know 6 guys that shot WT bucks in those units as NRs.
Is the measurement that if NRs are X % of the tags they have to only shoot X amount of a select section of animals? If you cut NR tags down to 1% of the tags sold but they kill 2% of that selected group tags now have to be cut?
In my opinion...more Whitetail tags have to be given out in most areas out west and less Mule Deer tags. Places like MT and even SD with the "Any Buck" or "any deer" tags need to make people choose. You hear about it all the time Resident or NR "I was looking for a big whitetail but season was ending so I shot thie small Mule Deer buck..." And I will argue till the cows come home that it is in no greater proportion NRs over Residents or Vice Versa. But residents need to understand that they are contributing to the issue as are NRs. If SD made a major effort to cut tags in a meaning full amount or limit residents to only being able to apply for 1 buck tag a year I would believe them a little bit more when they say it is for population management or for their own resident opportunity.