Sometimes they just win


May 18, 2021
Running 4 cell cams on a piece of family land, in a relatively small patch of woods (25 ish acres on a 160 acre place) been getting a couple decent 10 points on cam that are better than anything I have gotten before. I’ve started compiling data on where I get their pics, wind, barometer, temp, time etc. not a ton of pattern but I get deer on cam pretty regular. Saturday evening a cool front blows in, I’m primed to go climb up a tree Sunday evening for a sit, the wind is the direction I want, it went from in the upper 80s-low 90s to mid 70s, barometric pressure like 30.3x. Confidence is high…I got up a tree right by the most productive cam, at the intersection of two trails by a scrape, and settled in expecting to see some movement that evening…I didn’t even hear a squirrel that sounded convincing. No deer at all….zero.
Nice buck I haven’t seen before showed up an hour and a half after I leave….i guess sometimes they just win.


Nov 20, 2016
I feel you're pain. I stayed in my stand until near noon one year on my place in MO and came in for a bite. My dad's buddy asked if he could go sit in my stand, midday for a bit. He's not out there 5 minutes and BOOM, kills a 10, biggest buck we ever got on the land. It wasn't me, but at least we got him.