Solid Archery Mechanics - Online

Nov 3, 2017
I was reading through the comments in the "free content for newbie" thread and I was curious if anyone has any feedback with the online version of Tom Clum's Solid Archery Mechanics. I get it, it's best to go in person to get properly fitted and set up and have someone correct and teach you on the spot; but that's not a real feasible option for most, so I am looking for input from people who have done it online or even know someone who has. Lifetime access and only a couple hundred bucks seems like a guy can't go wrong here.

I set down my bow 6 months ago so my body would forget all the terrible habits I taught it. Now I'm ready to hopefully do this the right way and itching to shoot again!

I've heard from guys i trust that Tom is good.

"Fitting" a stickbow is less important than a compound......for example, my 62" recurve will work for guys from a 27" draw to my 30"+

Having someone tutor you in person is a very good idea. ...especially early so you can develop the right anchor, understand proper alignment and get started without developing bad habits.

there are a lot you can get from watching guys shoot on the internet; Rod Jenkins, John Demmer, Dwayne Martin, Alam Eagleton, and many more. Watching the finals of something like the Lancaster tourneys is good...then self compare your form from video or in the mirror.
I have taken the course. Big fan of The Push, started shooting a longbow after watching their film. I have heard Tom talk about most of the topics in the course but being able to see him demonstrate these things has been invaluable. At the end of each module there's an open discussion forum to get feedback from Tom if further questions remain. He responds to all inquiries and you can also post a video up for review. It's worth a lot more than $200. I can't recommend it enough.

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timely as i was looking at this as well but couldn't find any reviews. Glad to hear someone has gone through it and recommends it! I think i'll give it a shot as i'm completely green to recurve shooting and want to make sure i get off on the right foot.
I took a clinic from Tom in person then immediately bought the online course. It's absolutely worth it IMO. It's not cheap but it was game changing info for me. You get lifetime access so any future content that gets dropped is included so that's pretty cool.
timely as i was looking at this as well but couldn't find any reviews. Glad to hear someone has gone through it and recommends it! I think i'll give it a shot as i'm completely green to recurve shooting and want to make sure i get off on the right foot.

I think that will be perfect for you and save you a LOT of unlearning bad mechanics. I wish this had been around when I started!!
I can tell you that I wish that it was around 20 yrs ago when I started shooting a stickbow. It would have certainly saved a lot of heartache. I just purchased it for my birthday.
I am in Hawaii with no instruction to speak of out here and new to trad coming from the compound. I shot for almost a year without instruction just consuming YouTube videos. MY BIGGEST REGRET is not getting the SOLID course as soon as I started shooting!!!! GET IT! Well worth the money spent.

1-get solid
2-get a clicker
3- get some light limbs

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I told my wife thats what I wanted for xmas,i have a new satori sitting here I haven’t picked up because ill start bad habits.I have ask around and heard nothing but good things.I also have 30-32 lb limbs im starting with.
I spent the same amount of money getting to RMS and met with "Uncle Al" for a few hours and it helped me a ton (tom was out of town). I bought the course and cant finish it. I just struggle to sit down and watch much of anything, I make it half way through and then stop and just go shoot.

Nothing against the course but I'm just saying you need to weigh who you are as a person in the matter. If you struggle to watch a youtube video to completion like I do I would find a way to go get coaching in person.
I took the course and refer to it often. Have been shooting 20 plus years yet really wanting to improve and this has certainly helped!
You really need to work on ONLY one or two modules at a time.
For me, I watched everything, then started over and focused on one thing prior to moving on.
Great course.
Clum's course is better than most books and videos on youtube, its like a resource you can refer back to and keep yourself honed. *Every aspect of your shot sequence + setup, honed* Plus, any additions he makes automatically updates the program with no extra cost to you. I highly recommend it. I saw him at the trad convention in Michigan this year and got to ask him some specific questions- stand up guy too.
Went to Joel Turner's course at RMS. Tom took time with everyone individually and was super generous with his grasp of NTS and how to apply it to trad bowhunting. Both men are born teachers and unselfish in their knowledge. I plan on going back since I'm closer than a lot of folks but might just get the course.
I’ll circle back to this since it has been kept alive for a year. I live in AK, so RMS in-person coaching wasn’t an option. Purchased the course last spring but once the thaw kicked in up here, I was too busy to take the course seriously.

I dove into the course in October. After the first couple modules, my wife became very interested and joined me (she’s a physical therapist so she was really into the detailed and isolated body mechanics). Spent the first several weeks using a stretch band and doing exercises/stretches assigned by my wife to REALLY assure I had proper range of motion and strength before ever shooting. This step was HUGE! The modules are great and you may think you are nailing it, but it’s all for nothing without proper range of motion. It was extremely beneficial having a PT critique all my movements.

I’ve been shooting for about 3 months. I can get 15 yards in my garage and live in the 10 ring. When I miss, I can almost always pinpoint the part of my shot that I didn’t execute; which allows me to really isolate that movement for the next 50 shots before going back to my regular subconscious shot sequence.

Temp is finally forecasted to hit 30 next week and I’m extremely excited to finally get outside and shoot a little further. At this point, I couldn’t recommend this course enough (unless you have in-person opportunity). Tom and my wife have engineered my body to shoot like a machine - exactly the same each and every time. I’m just the trained ape pulling the string! Can’t wait to be in the stand hunting in a couple months!
Just got into trad shooting, I probably have 200 shots on the bow without much instruction. I've been shooting compound for over 4 years now with a bit of instruction here and then. I just purchased this course and even after the first few modules it's a game-changer shooting in the garage at 8 yards.

Going to watch it the whole way through first then go back module by module and fine-tune my technique. The guys down at RMS were also very open on dropping videos to them periodically to provide feedback.

My wife took an initial video of me and like I said after the first few modules, I feel and see a massive change already.