Solid Archery Mechanics - Online

I've had the course for about 6 months, still haven't finished it. I've been taking things in and letting them become habit before moving on. Some of the things come quick, some take a while, but it's been great for me. Shooting improves every time I learn something new.

If you can't afford it, Jake Kaminski has some really good stuff that has been coming out on youtube recently. I'd argue its some of the best free content available. It doesn't all apply to hunting, but lots of it will help you out.
he just switched to a barebow as well. I'll be interested to see what his approach is to a rig that is more designed for hunting.

Yeah...agreed. The one thing Jake does that I can't follow is his alignment from wrist and through both shoulders. I have to stand at more of a 45 degree angle to the target for clearance of my hunting clothes. I don't think my shoulders are perfectly aligned with my arm....I need to have my wife check.

Is this the difference between a hunter and a target shooter? Or am I off base?

Hi all.

Tom was coming to Australia next week to do a clinic and I was super excited to go, but it's been cancelled now as a result of corona virus. When I get my money refunded I'll get the course.

For me, my main issue at the moment is that I'm obviously doing something wrong with my pull, as it's straining the rotator cuff (or somewhere on the top of my shoulder) on my string arm. I definitely feel my back tension OK when I'm at full draw and all down my lats is engaged, as well as the inside of my back, but however I get there is obviously an issue. Even just the other day I was drawing slowly and heard a slight scratch/crunch sound inside my shoulder, so I stopped. I'm having a break for a while.

So, my question is, does this course do as much for injury prevention as it does for consistency with draw and accuracy?
FWIW, Jake Kaminsky has a video on injury prevention......

I'm playing with JK's tips on finger position and can tell its already improved my shooting.

Now would be the perfect time for me to buy Tom's course but the Australian dollar is falling bad and it will cost m roughly $350AUD. That's hard to swallow.

If I have to work from home I can practice a lot so it might be worth it, but I might also get a lot of work done and hunt more often than I normally would.
Yeah...agreed. The one thing Jake does that I can't follow is his alignment from wrist and through both shoulders. I have to stand at more of a 45 degree angle to the target for clearance of my hunting clothes. I don't think my shoulders are perfectly aligned with my arm....I need to have my wife check.

Is this the difference between a hunter and a target shooter? Or am I off base?

Do you cant the bow when you shoot? If so, that brings the lower half of the string closer to the body, so maybe that's the difference?
I find online tutoring a nice suggestion in this case. Tutoring is a really cool way to learn anything: learn new languages, learn IT programming, learn the history and culture of another country, as well as the art of archery. I'm actually very happy that at the moment a person has access to everything online, it's just wonderful. By the way, my friend is going to become an online Spanish tutor, I am so happy for him. The article helped him a lot of
Hah, interesting info. Didn't know you can actually learn the art of archery with a tutor. Or am I missing something?