So what was it if not Squatch?



Oct 1, 2015
I can imagine how it is possible, though unlikely, for them to survive undetected even in this modern era.
I hear this argument a lot. All I can say is: have you ever hunted the Oregon coastal jungle? You could be dropped off about ten miles into that jungle from a helicopter and I'll bet you would have a hard time finding your way out let alone surviving. And I'll bet you will be stepping in places where human feet have never stepped. There are more than enough places for large smart animals to hide and live.


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
@Bigcat_hunter Ive hunted Norcal’s coastal jungle so about the same as oregons. I agree its thick, steep, impenetrable, chock full of poison oak (here at least). Very remote and easy to hide if a squatch would want, along with tons of water and food.

Again yes Im saying its possible. Still sticking with unlikely. Im with most of the people who want to believe and see it be real. I just dont believe it - I researched it a lot when I was younger and quit wasting my time. There is just not enough evidence to convince me. The historical evidence is more convincing than the modern to me. These modern day bigfoot “hunters” are a joke.

Was actually thinking about this earlier. Introduce me to someone who runs hounds and has seen one / believes they exist. Ill take that guys word over anyone else - and I know someone who swears on his grave he saw one.


Jun 30, 2016
This is just gold!

You agree that it would be impossible for this animal to exist and not have been discovered at this point.


Well that's the debate in the Sasquatch world. I debate this subject with an open mind. I'm simply stating how difficult it is for me to understand how people who have encounters (taking their word for it, for debate) could afterwards believe it's just simply a flesh and blood creature. With what little evidence is left behind, if I was to ever actually put my eyes on one I'd still assume it wasn't from this world, because of the lack of physical evidence left behind. And than (just assuming I've actually seen one) go on to listen to all the other encounters, and how these creatures seem to be all over the world, and nobody can seem to catch up with it. It'd make it seem like I had just witnessed a supernatural or un-worldly creature. I'm not saying that's gotta be what it is or anything like that. I'm just simply saying if I was to ever actually put my eyes on one (assuming they are real) there is no way I would ever believe I just seen some animal that's super clever and knows how to avoid most human contact, and leave very little to no physical evidence behind. If I wasn't debating this with an open mind, than yea, we could just assume that the thousands of sightings are all hoaxes, and the conclusion would have to be their all a bunch of gullible, worthless dummies wasting their time. But I find that hard to believe too.

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Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
I know what hit the trailer it was a snipe! It was probably throwing snipes at the trailer. I've been snipe huntin but never saw one yet


Feb 1, 2017
That dude has really good stories that a person can learn a lot from and everything.... but once he started in with the BigFoot crap, catering to the numb-nuts ones who thrive on the BS of these types of legends, I stopped going back to the channel and unsubscribed.

I mean heck... I'm of an age where I can remember a buncha noise around this topic as a kid in the late 70's and early 80's. But ya know... I did that thing you're suposed to do... you know... grow up. (At least a little bit. ;) )
GDog..... this post cracked me up! Reread it.
You love all the stuff he’s been posting for how long?? Learned a lot along the way?
But .... THEN when he posted THIS SQUATCH stuff....
Is this a case of fool me once, fool me twice, fool me thrice, etc,
BUT not THIS time!!! ?


Feb 19, 2020
I think bigfoot is an interesting thought experiment. How could something so big go unnoticed right now and for so long in history?

"Lots of people out big game hunting all over the remote parts of North America, somebody would see one." - This is the typical response from people who hunt, especially in the back country. But if this thing exists, its quite clearly nocturnal. I know lots of people predator hunt at night, but I'd guess the majority are hunting big game animals during the day, especially in the back country.

Trail cameras - Interesting someone mentioned about the apes response to trail cameras and I don't think that's too surprising given their intelligence. Dogs can smell chemicals used in circuit boards / electronics. I can't imagine if they exist they have better smell than dogs, but its worth noting if it has eluded people for this long, I don't think it would be easily fooled by trail cameras.

The "meta-tarsal break" and dermal ridges on the hundreds of footprints out there is very interesting evidence, and I haven't really read much discounting it. Actually after a lot of digging I couldn't find any debunking on the meta-tarsal breaks. This seems to be the topic that has generated more legit interest from the scientific community in the last 20 years.

I'm very skeptical but open minded. Who the hell wouldn't want to find out these things eluded humans so long? That's why people love to "believe" - it harkens to some kind of romanticism of adventure, curiosity, and discovery in a world fraught with information overload and expectation of disappointment. The "bigfoot hunters" are sometimes as interesting as their quarry.

However, nothing, not a video, picture, DNA, or thermal image will prove it. An actual specimen is the only thing science will accept.


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
However, nothing, not a video, picture, DNA, or thermal image will prove it. An actual specimen is the only thing science will accept.

Im sure Im not the only one here who would shoot a bigfoot if I saw one. Always reminds me of a guy in MT who was dressed as bigfoot, running across the highway in front of cars, to further the hoax. Got hit of course, then run over twice more. Not smart.

Honestly Id be fine with some quality video or pictures that are obviously real. Theres a lot of animals Ive only seen on video and believe that they exist..


Jun 30, 2020
I was in the market this afternoon and right there with the hamburger and tuna helper was Squelch helper.