So do you want us?

Wrong again. Everyone I have ever known in the manufacturing and tooling or engineering industries consider a "mil" as a 1000th of an inch. Nothing to do with angles. Idahobeav is correct.
I’m not wrong, you just picked a different measuring stick. Cheers brother
Most everyone misinterprets Trump's agenda for wanting to unite USA, Canada and Greenland, and coaxing the rest of the allies to spend more on their military assets. Only one reason folks. Get ready for that inevitable battle with China, and perhaps with the backing of Russia yet. There is a single lesson to be learned from the war with Hitler...there is no time to waste once it gets rolling. Once Hitler got rolling and kept rolling and getting more powerful as nobody was pushing him down, that war machine was almost unstoppable. It took the allies too long to get engaged as the various countries were weak and afraid and couldn't get enough consensus to make a viable plan to attack Hitler quickly, and that delay made the war that much harder to win, cost many times more than it could have and cost way more lives and crippling injuries than necessary. Then throw Japan into the mix yet. It took 2 A bombs to end that.

Nobody needs to go through that again...THAT is why Trump is doing what he is at the moment. He is laying the groundwork. He is way smarter than most give him credit for. Pay attention to what China has been up to over the past decade. Xi has plans.

Once it gets going, there cannot be any delays to stop it whatsoever. Decisions must be made swiftly by just a few rather than by many.

Current events and history indicate we will revisit this again...perhaps sooner than most think.
Most everyone misinterprets Trump's agenda for wanting to unite USA, Canada and Greenland, and coaxing the rest of the allies to spend more on their military assets. Only one reason folks. Get ready for that inevitable battle with China, and perhaps with the backing of Russia yet. There is a single lesson to be learned from the war with Hitler...there is no time to waste once it gets rolling. Once Hitler got rolling and kept rolling and getting more powerful as nobody was pushing him down, that war machine was almost unstoppable. It took the allies too long to get engaged as the various countries were weak and afraid and couldn't get enough consensus to make a viable plan to attack Hitler quickly, and that delay made the war that much harder to win, cost many times more than it could have and cost way more lives and crippling injuries than necessary. Then throw Japan into the mix yet. It took 2 A bombs to end that.

Nobody needs to go through that again...THAT is why Trump is doing what he is at the moment. He is laying the groundwork. He is way smarter than most give him credit for. Pay attention to what China has been up to over the past decade. Xi has plans.

Once it gets going, there cannot be any delays to stop it whatsoever. Decisions must be made swiftly by just a few rather than by many.

Current events and history indicate we will revisit this again...perhaps sooner than most think.
Tell me how threatening to withdraw from NATO and threatening two sovereign nations with the annexing of territory aligns with that strategy.
It doesn't. This is a call back to the Smoot-Hawley act and a neo-imperial policy directed at protecting U.S. hegemony.
All good, your leaders will do what they will but call it what it is. Don't try to dress it up as anything but that. And don't roll out the tired "We saved Europe in 1945" trope. Eisenhower made it clear what to be afraid of.
It's not 1932. It's not 1945. It's 2025.
China is the second largest holder of U.S. debt. President Trump rightly sees economics as the new battlefield, but unfortunately he does not understand the global playing field nor the subtleties outside of the U.S. worldview.
The window for U.S. influence on the international stage is closing rapidly, and that is a shame but true. BRICS, The EU and a larger South American trade alliance all spell the increasing isolation of the U.S. and its lessening sphere of power.
If keeping China at bay was the intention of the policies we have seen, the U.S. would not have ceased aid to Africa. It has now guaranteed all of sub-saharan Africa will be controlled by China.
But as i said above, i am truly grateful for what he will bring forth in Canada.
I dunno, I think China is on the way down. Their economy is struggling and their population is going to crash. They won't be able to care for their elderly. It's now or never for them (Taiwan), and I think the price will be too high to pay.
I know a lot of this thread is in good humor but Jesus there's more than a few in here doing their best to live up to the world image of Americans being super ignorant.
Canada has its fair share of problems and you southerners have us beat on taxes and gun laws no doubt, but you've got a lot of black eyes on your side as well when you look in the mirror.
I feel bad for how over populated you are and how gross that must be to deal with. Canada has less people than California, we are about 10% of the population with 4 times the area of public land. How's the parking at those trail heads going?
Most everyone misinterprets Trump's agenda for wanting to unite USA, Canada and Greenland, and coaxing the rest of the allies to spend more on their military assets. Only one reason folks. Get ready for that inevitable battle with China, and perhaps with the backing of Russia yet. There is a single lesson to be learned from the war with Hitler...there is no time to waste once it gets rolling. Once Hitler got rolling and kept rolling and getting more powerful as nobody was pushing him down, that war machine was almost unstoppable. It took the allies too long to get engaged as the various countries were weak and afraid and couldn't get enough consensus to make a viable plan to attack Hitler quickly, and that delay made the war that much harder to win, cost many times more than it could have and cost way more lives and crippling injuries than necessary. Then throw Japan into the mix yet. It took 2 A bombs to end that.

Nobody needs to go through that again...THAT is why Trump is doing what he is at the moment. He is laying the groundwork. He is way smarter than most give him credit for. Pay attention to what China has been up to over the past decade. Xi has plans.

Once it gets going, there cannot be any delays to stop it whatsoever. Decisions must be made swiftly by just a few rather than by many.

Current events and history indicate we will revisit this again...perhaps sooner than most think.
Three simple ideas a day confuses people.

Steve Bannon, Trumps chief strategist last time around, explained in an interview why Trump throws out so many whackadoodle ideas - it’s on purpose that at least three different topics are tossed out every news cycle so there’s something for everyone to emotionally latch onto. Three. The large number of issues keeps everyone’s understanding on a superficial level and keeps the attention away from the important issues. Look for it - at least three completely different topics.

Spending any time contemplating Greenland or making Canada the 51st state is just less time wondering why prices aren’t coming down, and taxes are going up. Three crazy ideas is all it takes to keep people confused, and few even question it.
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Canadians are basically just Californians that live in the cold. A bunch of super liberals that drink milk out of bags.
I’ve already said it in this thread but the conservatives had the popular vote in the last election. Unfortunately it’s rigged so those votes are spread out and Quebec and Ontario decide the election.

If you took Canada but left out Quebec, there’d be just enough super liberals left for us to still enjoy funny memes without the vote influence.

Pretty much just east of Vancouver on the southwest coast into a good chunk of Ontario is conservative.
I’ve already said it in this thread but the conservatives had the popular vote in the last election. Unfortunately it’s rigged so those votes are spread out and Quebec and Ontario decide the election.

If you took Canada but left out Quebec, there’d be just enough super liberals left for us to still enjoy funny memes without the vote influence.

Pretty much just east of Vancouver on the southwest coast into a good chunk of Ontario is conservative.
And Vancouver is basically China now. Isn’t like 80% of that city owned by Chinese investors? Same in Australia, my friend lives in Melbourne and their street signs are in Chinese and English because there’s so many Chinese people there. Apparently a few years back they sold a piece of land the size of Montana to a rich Chinese guy.
I need to see some changes in Canada in the next election or else I’m really going to push a move to the USA.
Ive got skills, a work visa and some close family living there already.
My aging MIL is probably the main reason my wife isn’t quite on board yet.
The Liberal party of Canada is in China’s back pocket. So many connections to the party or the Trudeau foundation it’s ridiculous
And Vancouver is basically China now. Isn’t like 80% of that city owned by Chinese investors? Same in Australia, my friend lives in Melbourne and their street signs are in Chinese and English because there’s so many Chinese people there. Apparently a few years back they sold a piece of land the size of Montana to a rich Chinese guy.