I used to rabbit hunt (cottontails) with a 34lb recurve a lot in broken farm county, especially if I killed one or two that week with the shotgun. BRIGHT flu flus with a good amount of helical are slow and visible enough to easily keep track of. I lost a fair number of arrows before figuring this out (bouncing off a buried car hood into a hay field with little black feathers on the back of a camo easton aluminum arrow is a vivid one). Honestly as far as points go I've used a lot of the small game heads, and can't really say one worked better than another. rabbits aren't exactly hard to kill.
Other than that have fun. If you're hunting with a compound you'll probably hit more than I did lol. Remember this too, you can't make a spectacular shot unless you take a spectacular shot. Rabbits might be the number one (only?) animal to keep this motto with, as even poor shots with good heads result in quick deaths, and they often don't sit around waiting for arrows to come their way. 28yds on one running at speed up a fence row after my buddy kicked him out is probably the best archery shot I'll ever do.