You didn't step on my toes. You made a claim and I was curious to the validity of the claim. You backed up your claim with statistics. Good job.
I'm not going to go online and "dig up" anything to support "my side". I don't have a side to support.
I've seen alcohol destroy lives. Tear families apart. Estrange children from parents. I watched my mother in law die in a hospital bed with her children at her side at 50 years old from liver and kidney failure. The guys I work with who are alcoholics live paycheck to paycheck, spend immense amounts of time away from their families at bars getting drunk. They drive drunk every single day.
I have yet to see recreational Marijuana use do any of these things.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. What I have seen in my life, alcohol vs weed. It isn't even comparable.
Others experience may vary.
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