
Do you see a lot of people smoking cigs hunting? I don’t understand i hear all this “back in the day i killed a 10 point with a cigarette in my mouth” now it’s more about getting winded or what? I’m going nuts.
Man the biggest bucks were killed back in the 70’s. Sitting on a corn crib smoking a lucky strike. My dad says fire up a grape cigar and they will come.
Screw all of you smoking weed. It is destroying the country and our way of life.
Agree. Pot is way to lax theses days. Case in point I was behind a car pulling into Walmart. Loosing my mind cause they were going so slow. Then the smell came from the car and I knew exactly what was going on. Do it at your house.
@Amos Keeto can you cite your sources?

Can you point to where in this graph it shows an "exponential" rise in dui deaths?
Can I cite sources?
Of course!

It is simple math!

Double the number of impaired* drivers and the number of fatal highway incidents increases exponentially!

Simple enough for you?

* - I'm certain that there were already a multitude of highway deaths that could already be attributed to drugs in some form.
Making marijuana "recreationally legal" only increased the numbers of users as the stigma of "illegal possession" was reduced.
I find it amusing that when you step on someone's toes, they immediately request "more information"!

"... The percent of crash deaths involving cannabis more than doubled from 9 percent in 2000 to 21.5 percent in 2018, and the percent of deaths involving cannabis and alcohol also more than doubled from 4.8 percent to 10.3 percent. ..."

Now, if you really want to get into the battle of "I found these statistics", let me also assure you that what ever you can dig up on the 'net to support your "side", there are just as many that don't support it.

It is pure and simple math!
Drunks who drive impaired kill themselves and innocents.
Druggies who drive impaired kill themselves and innocents.
Combine the two and the deaths go up exponentially!
Double the number of impaired drivers?
Double the number of fatalities!

You didn't step on my toes. You made a claim and I was curious to the validity of the claim. You backed up your claim with statistics. Good job.

I'm not going to go online and "dig up" anything to support "my side". I don't have a side to support.

I've seen alcohol destroy lives. Tear families apart. Estrange children from parents. I watched my mother in law die in a hospital bed with her children at her side at 50 years old from liver and kidney failure. The guys I work with who are alcoholics live paycheck to paycheck, spend immense amounts of time away from their families at bars getting drunk. They drive drunk every single day.

I have yet to see recreational Marijuana use do any of these things.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. What I have seen in my life, alcohol vs weed. It isn't even comparable.

Others experience may vary.

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Can you elaborate on what percentage increase in deaths there are in states that have legalized Marijuana?

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Tons of data in there just for one source. But it does state in CO DUI increased 120%. I’m sure there is tons of data if you wanted to look. But it’s impossible to argue that ADDING/LEGALIZING another intoxicant is going to have a positive effect on the population as a whole.

Are you somehow arguing driving while high isn’t dangerous? Or are you trying to argue legalizing weed hasn’t caused more people to use it, get high, then jump in a car? Or are you just in the “getting high is no big deal” camp?
You didn't step on my toes. You made a claim and I was curious to the validity of the claim. You backed up your claim with statistics. Good job.

I'm not going to go online and "dig up" anything to support "my side". I don't have a side to support.

I've seen alcohol destroy lives. Tear families apart. Estrange children from parents. I watched my mother in law die in a hospital bed with her children at her side at 50 years old from liver and kidney failure. The guys I work with who are alcoholics live paycheck to paycheck, spend immense amounts of time away from their families at bars getting drunk. They drive drunk every single day.

I have yet to see recreational Marijuana use do any of these things.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. What I have seen in my life, alcohol vs weed. It isn't even comparable.

Others experience may vary.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
Not too hard to drive around any urban hood to see the negative effects of the drug trade with weed being the most popular and prevalent. I’ll show ya around Chicago if you like?

Tons of data in there just for one source. But it does state in CO DUI increased 120%. I’m sure there is tons of data if you wanted to look. But it’s impossible to argue that ADDING/LEGALIZING another intoxicant is going to have a positive effect on the population as a whole.

Are you somehow arguing driving while high isn’t dangerous? Or are you trying to argue legalizing weed hasn’t caused more people to use it, get high, then jump in a car? Or are you just in the “getting high is no big deal” camp?

I'm not arguing anything. I have no interest in arguing about anything as I'm well aware I'm not going to be changing anyone's minds on how they feel about this subject.

I was simply curious as to the validity to his claim. To better educate myself.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
I'm not arguing anything. I have no interest in arguing about anything as I'm well aware I'm not going to be changing anyone's minds on how they feel about this subject.

I was simply curious as to the validity to his claim. To better educate myself.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
Well, there’s a start. Tons of data in that link alone on just CO. I’m sure the data is similar everywhere.
Not too hard to drive around any urban hood to see the negative effects of the drug trade with weed being the most popular and prevalent. I’ll show ya around Chicago if you like?
I'm from New York. I grew up 20 minutes from the Bronx and Yonkers. The people living in the Bronx, or Chicago that are engaged in the drug trade have nothing to do with me and how I live my life.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
Not too hard to drive around any urban hood to see the negative effects of the drug trade with weed being the most popular and prevalent. I’ll show ya around Chicago if you like?
You must be for gun control also? You know, based on the negative effects of gun violence in Chicago?

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
What does recreational use of pot positively contribute to society (freedom is not an answer when others pay the price)? Leave out ANY medicinal/prescribed use or derivatives that do not impair the user. We are talking the high-dose THC pot shop pot that is everywhere now. The express purpose of pot is to alter your state of mind. It has also been shown to retard maturation of the frontal cortex and increase likelihood of schizophrenia.

And guess what, I think people should knock off the booze too - it is way out of hand.

When pot was legalized in WA, the owner of the local pot shop was murdered by a thug from Tacoma who specifically targeted him because they knew it was a cash operation. This about a mile from my house. SO much for victimless crimes...

In a world where sanity and critical thinking are needed more than ever, what blows me away is that people support the free access and acceptance drugs that will negatively impact them and others.

Remember, no man is an island...
I'm not here to argue what it positively contributes to society. I have my own personal experience in my life based on what I have observed.

My observation is that alcohol destroys lives at a rate that wouldn't even be able to be measured VS weed.

I don't attend legalization rallies, I don't get involved with politics when it comes to weed. I have more important things in my life to fight or argue for.

My involvement on this thread goes back to my original post. It's alway interesting to me how viciously people attack Marijuana use on this forum, when alcohol, again that kills 3 million people a year, seems to get a pass, has threads made about it as to which brand of whiskey is best ect.

If you are going to viciously attack Marijuana use as if it's a huge problem, before you advocate for ending alcohol use, I just don't understand where you are coming from.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
You must be for gun control also? You know, based on the negative effects of gun violence in Chicago?

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
Guns don’t ruin lives and the communities around them, drugs do. And it may not effect you directly as you are able to not live in the Bronx. But try to argue drug use made the Bronx or any communities better, dare ya? Then extrapolate the argument out further that legalizing marijuana has helped society or anyone for that matter in any way outside of, “now i can get high any time i want”.
Can I cite sources?
Of course!

It is simple math!

Double the number of impaired* drivers and the number of fatal highway incidents increases exponentially!

Simple enough for you?

So the graph i posted previously of actual deaths in a state looks like the one I have copied here?


  • Exponential-Function-Graph-8.png
    9.9 KB · Views: 14
Guns don’t ruin lives and the communities around them, drugs do. And it may not effect you directly as you are able to not live in the Bronx. But try to argue drug use made the Bronx or any communities better, dare ya? Then extrapolate the argument out further that legalizing marijuana has helped society or anyone for that matter in any way outside of, “now i can get high any time i want”.
Who in this thread is arguing that drug use makes anything better or is a net possitive? Go back and re read all of my post. It almost sounds as if you are arguing with someone else...

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk
I find it amusing that when you step on someone's toes, they immediately request "more information"!

"... The percent of crash deaths involving cannabis more than doubled from 9 percent in 2000 to 21.5 percent in 2018, and the percent of deaths involving cannabis and alcohol also more than doubled from 4.8 percent to 10.3 percent. ..."

Now, if you really want to get into the battle of "I found these statistics", let me also assure you that what ever you can dig up on the 'net to support your "side", there are just as many that don't support it.

It is pure and simple math!
Drunks who drive impaired kill themselves and innocents.
Druggies who drive impaired kill themselves and innocents.
Combine the two and the deaths go up exponentially!
Double the number of impaired drivers?
Double the number of fatalities!
Do you know why there are so many DUI deaths? It's not from drugs or alcohol. It's from our shit bag legal system and politicians. How much money do you think the lawyers, courts, police, prisons, and insurance companies make on DUI convictions, accidents and deaths? They want it to happen. If they didn't, they wouldn't let some alcoholic get 5 DUI's and still get their license back. How about 1. You get 1. After that, you can NEVER drive again. If you knew you would never drive again, would you take the chance? It's a business. They don't care if you die!

In the history of humanity, no drug on earth has caused more human suffering than alcohol. Other than DUI's and maybe lung cancer, weed isn't killing anyone.
In the history of humanity, no drug on earth has caused more human suffering than alcohol. Other than DUI's and maybe lung cancer, weed isn't killing anyone.
Won't argue the alcohol part, but this thread was more about marijuana.
Alcohol can be a number of things. Beer, liquor or wine. ALL alcoholic!
You use the term "weed"! THC is a mind altering compound that interferes with cognitive function, I don't give two hoots in hell WHO you are, it's the same thing as being "drunk".
Whether you're "drunk" on alcohol OR "high" on dope (weed, PCP, heroin, etc, etc...), you're still inebriated and unfit to drive!

Now! If you're so imbecilic as to think that "weed" doesn't render a user unfit to operate a motor vehicle, you're dumber than a brick.

Just like alcohol or drugs!
I've used alcohol(for a long time and to excess, but quit a few years ago) and marijuana(on occasion). I'd say 75% of the men I know are functional alcoholics. I can say with full confidence from my own life experiences over two decades of adulthood that alcohol is far and way a larger societal problem than weed. It's not even close. Virtually every dumb decision I've made, or those made by friends, involved alcohol. Weed, not so much.

If someone is anti-weed but drinks, or is fine with alcohol being legal, they have no leg to stand on. It's a silly and uninformed argument. The only reason there's crime around marijuana is because the government made it so. The societal costs of alcohol are staggering but people accept it because marketing works.

As to the topic of the OP, when guys kill deer with a cigarette in their mouth, the deer probably came from up wind. Nothing special about it.