Smoking Cigarettes While Hunting


Oct 6, 2018
Do you smoke while hunting? Would the smell scare the animals away or mask human scent? I find myself switching to dip more often than not while I hunt.
I used to smoke but when hunted tried to not best I could. They will smell you no matter what you do if downwind of you. Do what floats your boat. I have a good friend that got well over 150 whitetail and smokes like a chimney even on stand tho.
My uncle smokes menthol cigs and looks like a coal fueled power plant when sitting in his deer stand. He puts the cigarettes out by pressing them against the tree and then dropping the butts down to the ground.
He would clog up an Ozonics.
His junky house is completely filled up with mounted gigantic whitetail bucks. He stores ball caps people give him on the monster racks.
My brother and I laugh every year when we hear uncle Jack killed another big Un.
We take a bet on how many hats the rack will hold vs B&C score.
Some of his racks have at least 60 hats on them. I swear!
He has killed hundreds of deer.
Cherry tobacco in a pipe pulls them right in. Think about it, those guys are probably pretty still while puffing away, contemplating whatever. Deer just don't see them. And they are patient.
Smoking is going to smell up a lot more than just where the smoke is blowing. I dip in the stand and haven’t had a problem with it.
I'll light up a cigar in the stand occasionally. Generally its at 10-11 am, when I'm thinking about calling it a day. I figure sitting an extra couple of hours, even if I'm compromising on scent etc, is better than sitting on the couch!
Fair enough... I probably won’t be smoking this season, and will look to quit in general. Not only for scent reasons but the improved lung capacity. I appreciate the input.
They will smell you smoking or not, you should quit smoking to save your life not to worry about an animal busting you!
Not a fan of chewing, but it has never started a wildfire.

So give yourself one more reason to quit smoking, use all the help you need from meds, patches, support lines, and get that F-ing monkey off your back. You'll have way more healthy years and $ to spend on hunting when you are done w smoking.
I guess a benefit of smoking in the stand is that you won't have to worry about all the expense of processing meat & taxidermy bills

I know/knew several old timers that killed elk and deer almost every year while smoking. Lots of nice critters on their walls and full freezers.