Small fishing backpack?

If you don’t need fishing specific features, a little osprey or similar hiking bag is hard to beat. I own and have owned quite a few “fishing bags” and none of them are as good or comfortable as a bag from a hiking company. Every waterproof bag kind of sucks unless you actually need the waterproofness, which I just dont.
Looking at sling bags for this right now. I run an old Cabela's bag for it, but it's pretty uncomfortable walking creeks all day.

Leaning towards the fishpond ones.

Sling packs put all the weight over a single shoulder. Fine for short distances or light weight. I don’t think any is going to substantially more comfortable than another. Just get the one that has the features you like, if that’s the route you take.
I use a fishpond summit sling bag. I would agree if you plan to carry a lot of weight the sling isn't the best. For just packing snacks and fishing gear it is an awesome bag.