Sleeping Pads - Weight vs Comfort

Well the other factor with some of the UL pads is utility. Some of the fabrics used to make these UL pads doesn't take much abuse.

Its all a tradeoff....but i've gone from a Ultra Light one of packing a little more weight for the added durability. A deflated pad doesn't do you much good. Pads like the Expeds are a little heavier...but they are tough. I go as light as possible on summer backpack trips.......but on hunts durability matters.
Been using a Neo Air a 3/4 length pad since 2010 on all weight senitive backpack hunts.

I've been using a small X-Lite now for the last couple years up to and through my annual Oct. Kodiak island goat hunts.

I'm going to disagree (mildly) with both of you. I tried the 3/4 length X-lite (8oz.) and couldn't stand the way my feet fell off the end of it. My feet and knees just weren't happy. This after years of using 3/4 length pads like the Z-lite, Prolite, and so on (with my pack under my feet). I exchanged the 3/4 length X-lite for a full-length version (12 oz.) and am completely happy with it. About 50 nights so far.

My standards have changed a lot over time. 30 years ago I was happy and slept well on a cut down 3/8" foam pad laid down on some rocks. Nowadays that would leave me fearfully grumpy in the morning. The days efforts take a larger toll than when I was younger - correspondingly I need more and better sleep to recover. The 4 oz. extra for the full-length pad is worth it to me.
I just returned from turkey hunting...camping out in my pickup topper. I brought my old therma-rest that blows up and has extra padding. It was around 20 degrees at night and I was plenty warm. I'm not getting any younger and need a little more padding! I usually use my Neo-air and am wishing I brought it. My neo-air has never disappointed me for comfort! It is also ultra-light weight and compact for backpacking. Guess which one I'll be bringing next time!
I've used the original foam Z-lite in the past and thought they were ok. Last year I picked up a Sea to Summit Ultralight Insulated and I can honestly say I slept so much better on the inflatable.

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