Sleeping Bag for Alaska

May 27, 2024
I'll be going to Alaska on a Moose Hunt this September. I'm in need of a new sleeping bag. What is the best on the market for this? As a side note, I always run cold. So I am looking for something that will keep me warmer than the average person.
generally i use a 15 or 20 degree bag in Aug and Sept. I too sleep cold and if it gets colder and snows i wear an extra layer to bed. you don't need a heavier 0 degree bag if you are packing on your back. If in a SxS or wheeler then only space matters.

I bought the new Sierra Designs mobile mummy bag with the arm holes. Its virtually identical the Peax bag but $350 less and amazing!
Need to know which region, how mucky, general elevation, if sleeping on a boat, in a tent on the ground, in a cabin, if you need to hike with it for multiple days, etc. Alaska is the size of the entire SW United States with at least an equivalent range of climates.

That said... I use a 20-degree WM Alpinlite bag for almost everything, and I'm in an ultra-wet environment. But it's a really expensive bag that needed to a cover a wide range of applications. Your range of needs may not be as wide as mine.
The best down bag you can afford, and get a waterproof bivvy. Both Borah and Mountain Laurel Designs are probably the best. MLD can’t be beat in my opinion, it weighs a little over 10oz and packs down to about Nalgene size, but half the girth. Unless you are sleeping in a cabin, don’t skip the bivvy…or a good sleeping pad, but that is pretty obvious.
Very valid points made by others regarding where you are going in Alaska, how you're going, your camp arrangements, etc....all of those factors make a big difference when choosing equipment for your Alaska adventure.

As an example, I go moose hunting the second/third week of September in western Alaska. Fly-in drop in the middle of nowhere, DIY camping/hunting on our own for 10-14 days, living in our tents. For my hunting conditions I've been bringing a WM Badger. It's the best bag I've ever owned...I totally trust that bag. I also bring a sleeping pad with a high R rating...that's an absolute necessity with down bags, but you probably already know that.

The best of luck to you for a great adventure!
I will second the chillkoot. However thier are many variables like type of shelter, coastal or inland, etc. Typical Average nighttime temperatures.. Those factors could be important to know for a specific hunt/ bag decision. A zero bag for me would literally need to be in that 5f or lower territory for me. My 2c
i have the WM kodiak because i didnt want to buy a 15 degree bag and then wear puffy clothes if i get cold (i use the bag all winter also). If i get too hot i just unzip the bag. I was between the kodiak and the badger when i decided to buy one and my buddy said just get the kodiak and you can unzip it if your hot.
Big western mountaineering fan here too. Also, Argali’s new bags are on par with WM insulation with some updated unique features. Plus they’re a hunting company.
I have been to alaska twice in the last three years moose hunting in September. Both times I took my Nemo Stalker bag. It has been awesome. Its 0 degrees, but has vents you can open if you want to regulate temps. Hydrophobic down etc.
My western mountaneering did very well in AK last September. With properly rated pad I was comfortable every night with my overfilled 20 degree bag and I sleep cold.
Lot of good bags out their. I sleep cold .for a little more weight I went with 0 degree bag. I have kuiu bag and it has worked well for me.not sure what I would buy if I had to buy a new bag today?