I just got a set of SLC’s, and I’m having a heck of a time. I can’t seem to get both barrels to merry up and it makes it hard to look through, like the edges are kind of double vision. Can anyone help me with this?
I had a brand new pair that was out of collimation. Probably got dropped somewhere along the line. Called swaro. They had me exchange them at the store where I bought them. It’s gonna be a back to the mother ship deal for you.
You've pulled out the focus knob and set the focus on the right barrel already, correct? If it's more advanced than that then a trip back to Swaro will be in order.
@sneaky yes I have. Like I said before, it’s not severe, but it is really noticeable. I have some vortex razors that are out performing these slc’s hands down though, Which I know just shouldn’t be a fact