SLC 15x56 vs Meopta Meostar 15x56 vs EL 12x50

Only if you're buying the ELs new in the store. There are a ton of them for sale used for $2k +/-. I really liked the NL, but to me, it wasn't worth an extra $1200 (now $1500) over the EL.

Where are you seeing used EL 12’s for $2K?

There’s a pair of like new NL 12’s with a KIUI harness for sale on here for $2800 shipped and I’ve seen others for similar so it’s not really fair to compare used vs new prices.
I agree, but the NLs aren't in my budget, LOL! A big leap from Meopta B1 15s....

If you can swing $3199 for EL 12’s you can swing $230 more for NL 12’s. If you call Jason at Euro chances are he’ll cut you a nice deal.

As I also mentioned, there’s some like new NL 12’s listed on here with an aftermarket harness bag as well for $2800.
Good point on the price diff between new models but I'm looking for used.

There you go. I shopped around for used 8.5 EL’s for awhile before just buying new because I got them for $200 more than used we’re going for. Used EL 8.5’s and 10’s with swarovision going rate is $1800 for used ones and EL 12’s $2400-$2500 from everything I’ve seen. Those are $300 more and way mo betta.

Where are you seeing used EL 12’s for $2K?

There’s a pair of like new NL 12’s with a KIUI harness for sale on here for $2800 shipped and I’ve seen others for similar so it’s not really fair to compare used vs new prices.
Occasionally, you can find EL 12x50 on here for $2k, listed for $2200 is pretty common. Craigslist and FB marketplace often have ELs, and $2k is common there. I recently landed a pair off my local CL for $2k. There is currently another set on there for $2100.

That is a good price for used NLs, but it's still an $800 swing. Also I don't see NLs up for sale nearly as much as the ELs, which makes sense.
How would a spotting scope work in a tree stand?

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Probably about the same as 15x binocs. Neither will likely do what he wants freehand.

If a stand has a shooting rail, one could devise a way to mount a head for the spotter to it.
Occasionally, you can find EL 12x50 on here for $2k, listed for $2200 is pretty common. Craigslist and FB marketplace often have ELs, and $2k is common there. I recently landed a pair off my local CL for $2k. There is currently another set on there for $2100.

That is a good price for used NLs, but it's still an $800 swing. Also I don't see NLs up for sale nearly as much as the ELs, which makes sense.

I have never seen EL12’s for $2K anywhere. A lot of people ask that for 8.5’s and 10’s.
You really should look at the NL 12’s. I owned the EL 12’s and SLC 15’s at the same time and spent about 20 minutes with the NL 12’s this weekend and was sold. They did very very well without a tripod. Don’t know if it’s the ergos or FOV or what but it’s not like you’re trying to free hand 12’s. They also have the same FOV as good 10’s. The price difference isn’t as bad between the EL and NL 12’s as compared to 8’s and 10’s.

I do to very much like the NLs especially ergonomically and fov. I’m not sure detail is measurably different, Matt cashell would be a confirmation on that.

My recommendation is based on a larger exit pupil with the 12 el vs 12 nl in the OP and I are both older guys and larger is better. I felt in briefly looking thru NL the el is a bit brighter in low light.

Definitely every few months a 12 el lands in the classifieds for 2000-2400. That’s what I would be checking on daily.
I do to very much like the NLs especially ergonomically and fov. I’m not sure detail is measurably different, Matt cashell would be a confirmation on that.

My recommendation is based on a larger exit pupil with the 12 el vs 12 nl in the OP and I are both older guys and larger is better. I felt in briefly looking thru NL the el is a bit brighter in low light.

Definitely every few months a 12 el lands in the classifieds for 2000-2400. That’s what I would be checking on daily.

My buddy that sponsored by swaro and has both said there was no discernible difference in low light and the NL has better glass and appeared better. I ordered a set of NL’s this afternoon from Euro and they’ll be here Thursday.
This thread has me wondering what route to go. I have 10x42 ELs. Love them. I have a Razor HD 2 spotter, pretty good. Not near as good as a Swaro spotter, but new for $1170 shipped I couldn't justify spending 2.5x as much on the Swaro.

Now... been thinking of 15x56 SLCs as well. I hunt a lot of open country so the addition would be nice.

Or do I sell the ELs, skip the SLCs, and go with 12x42 NLs?
We compared all those mentioned and more as objectively as we could and with a handful of roksliders this weekend. We will publish the findings shortly.

I’ll likely have some 12 ELs for sale. They are awesome but NLs are identical from what I found and in a smaller package.

The SLC 15 resolved more for sure. But size/weight/fov were sacrificed. Pick your poison.

I don't think more magnification is going to give you what you're wanting, out of hand held binoculars. As others have said, high powered binoculars really need to be mounted to get the most out of them. That said, the 56mm Swarovski SLC-HDs are one of the only alpha binoculars in production that use AK prisms, which allow for better light transmission than the standard SP prisms used in most roofs (like the Meostar). I think you're best bet would be a 10x56 SLC. They are a totally different beast than your 10x42 SLC, with better light transmission, larger exit pupils, and more eye-relief. The extra size/weight shouldn't be an issue hunting from a blind.
The Zeiss 15x56 Conquest HDs, the Maven 15x56/18x56s, the Vortex UHD 18x56 all use AK prisms. I think these are all pretty much “alpha” quality.
I was just cruising through the threads and saw someone had replied to this one and it reminded me that I'd started this post 14 months ago. Figured I'd post again about what I ended up doing.

Turns out I bought a really nice, used set of 12x50 ELs from the classifieds here last summer. I took those, my Meostar 15x56, and 10x42 SLCs and did some considerable testing with the AF resolution chart at end of the day, low light conditions, testing at 100 yards one evening and 200 yards the next. Again, I was after what lasted longest as light faded. The SLCs went out first. Then, it turned out that I could not discern any difference in image brightness between the ELs and the Meostars, right to dark. Yet because of the 3x more magnification, I the image was bigger (duh!) with the Meostars. So, given equivalent brightness (to MY eyes) and a bigger image (important when counting points and estimating inches), I was sold on the Meostars. Maybe 15x56 SLC would be better than the Meostars but I didn't have them (though my buddy does and he thinks my Meostars are right there with his SLCs).

I did then, however, use all 3 sets during deer season in November and December, testing them in hunting conditions, comparing in early morning and late evening. It confirmed that I liked the Meostars best. So, at some point in the near future I'll be posting for sale excellent condition 12x50 EL and 10x42 SLCs.

Again, everyone's eyes and needs are different; this is just what worked best for me.
Thanks for returning back to your thread, and providing an update. I personally am debating between the Zeiss Conquest 15x56, the Swaro SLC 15x56 and the Maven 15x56, and thus this thread was of interest to me.
Thanks for returning back to your thread, and providing an update. I personally am debating between the Zeiss Conquest 15x56, the Swaro SLC 15x56 and the Maven 15x56, and thus this thread was of interest to me.
The VAST majority of the research and opinions I've read say the Swaro is the best 15x and the Meopta a very close second, if not an equivalent. My experience comparing my Meopta with buddy's Swaro proves that out, at least to my eyes. I'd think the Meopta would be better than the Zeiss and the Maven but everyone's eyes are different and you might want to compare them all, if possible.