Skunk-1. Me-0.


Jan 23, 2013
Reno, NV
Well had a delightful wake up at three a.m. To me i though something was burning like rubber. Well my lab thought different he went head to head with a skunk and lost by a long shot to say the least. It is so unbearable wr left and stayed at a friends at 4 in the a.m. I feel helpless. The house is unlivable and holy smokes these cleaning quotes are racking up. Anybody have any suggestions or similar stories to cheer me up? It would be much appreciated. Sounds like i wont have my home for at least four days
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We had that happen when I was a kid. I went to Ms. Griffin's first grade class smelling a bit musky for a couple weeks.

As long as the skunk wasn't under the house you'll be fine.
Thanks guys no skunk under my house but my dog decided his fresh wet coat of skunk musk needed to be on my carpet in front of my bed haha
1 qt 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tsp Dawn dish soap

Put in a spray bottle and spray your dog down. Wash, repeat, a couple times. Should greatly help with your dog, trust me Then, you could try to spray down your carpet with it as well. Not sure how that will go though.

This may cheer you up. I snuck in a quick goose hunt before work one morning. We were picking up decoys and I was pretty happy as the hunt went good and I would be back to work without ticking anybody off too bad. Well I was occupied and a damn skunk cam running by the decoys. My dog got on him before I could see what was going on. I watched the skunk spray my dog 3-4 times before I could get him called off. I had no kennel as we were only hunting a few miles from town. My buddy stayed with the dog and decoys as I rushed back to town to get a kennel. Now it's looking like I"m going to be real late for work. Get back out there and load the dog up. Get pulled over by a cop for speeding once I hit town. Cop could barely walk up to my window and I explained what happened. He couldn't take the smell and told me to get the heck out of there........Happy to report, that skunk didn't live to spray another dog.

Fast forward 1 week. Just got rid of the skunk smell entirely on the dog, collars, etc. I'm out scouting and decide to run the dog for a bit. I catch a glimpse of another smelly SOB in the ditch just ahead of the dog, but am able to get the dog in the pickup before anything happens. Revenge is certainly fresh on my mind from the previous week so I secure the dog in the pickup and start running after the skunk, shotgun in hand. Pretty F'n soon my dog comes flying by and you guessed it, sprayed again. I left the back window cracked about 1/3rd the way and apparently the dog had revenge on his mind too, because he squeeked himself through that, the little bastard!!!.......That skunk didn't survive either. And ever since then, I will swerve the pickup doing 80 mph if I have a chance to run over one of them SOB's. I've killed many skunks since then. Take comfort in that! :)
I got sprayed as a kid while camping . I was running behind my best friend when he dead stops. I ran into him and shoved him over the skunk and I got the full blast. I had to ride home in the boat on the trailer. My mom washed me with everything she could think of including tomato juice ! Sorry to hear about your carpet though. It may be cheaper to just rip it out and replace it if its just one room. Good luck .