Let me address a few comments here. First, I love comparison videos like this. We do a lot of testing and they are a great way to test fabrics and tents. It would be easy to watch this video and come away saying silpoly is inferior to silnylon, therefore you should buy silnylon. That's exactly the point SO wants you to come away with. The only conclusion from this video you can come away with that the silpoly they used failed faster than their silnylon. It's unfortuante, but SO has been putting a lot of effort into justifying nylon as a better fabric and telling people silpoly is weak. And yet, us, Durston, Tarp Tent and other reputable tent brands continue to use it because what we know is that you can make strong silpoly fabric if you know how to. You'll never hear me say nylon is a bad fabric, and I've been clear that it is a great fabric, it just has some functionality that I don't care for (sag being primary amongst them, and if you've experienced it you will know what I mean). We let our customers and our products speak for themselves, which they do.
There are many factors that impact fabric strength and there are probably thousands of different silpoly's out there. I can't comment on where they sourced theirs because I have no idea, nor do you. And frankly, it doesn't matter. Suggesting that all silnylon or silpolys are the same is crazy because there are so many out there. Comparing two fabrics that aren't even close to the same strength to start with and then having the weaker fabric tear faster shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. You have to control for all other variables to make a conclusion, and they didn't do that in this video. A 2000mm sil/sil coating is going to be weaker than a 3000mm sil/sil coating, and if I was going to do a head to head test of poly v. nylon I would at least control for that variable, but they didn't.
Also, as I've said many times, every tent fabric is different and the silnylon SO uses and the silpoly we use are not the same as a cheap silpoly or silnylon tent you get at Walmart. Our fabric and our tents are not cheap as was suggested above, and it's unfortunate that other brands are spending their time suggesting that. We use a nano-ripstop silpoly fabric with a 3000mm sil/sil coating on it for most of our tents, and our 8P uses a 30D nano ripstop silpoly fabric. They are great fabrics and I'd put them up against any comparable nylon fabric in a strength test.
The data that we have found and that I've written about previously is that if you get a very high quality poly and nylon with the same denier and coating, the differences are negligiable in terms of strength.
I've always encouraged everyone to do their own homework, but beware of any company that makes a marketing video with a conclusion that ends with a conslusion that their product is better. That's not scientific or objective, it's self serving.