Signed up for the Covid Zombie Juice.....

Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
When it comes to covid it is hard to find fault with folks who are distrustful of the media or politicians and the government. And it is 100% because of the media, politicians, and the government. Did a quick search and here are a few headlines from late summer and early fall:

Bill Gates Wonders Whether FDA Can Be Trusted on a Covid Vaccine
By Erik Schatzker
Kamala Harris- Trump’s Vaccine Can’t Be Trusted
Biden, Seizing on Worries of a Rushed Vaccine, Warns Trump Can’t Be Trusted
By Sydney Ember
Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid'
By Jen Christensen, CNN
Elon Musk doubles down on Covid-19 skepticism and says he won't take future vaccine
By Ganesh Setty, CNN Business
Majority of people say they won’t take COVID-19 vaccine within first year
By Hannah SparksJuly 29, 2020 | 5:45pm | Updated

Today if you posted any content that aligned with any of the above headlines on social media, it would be "fact checked" and removed. All of the above sources are mainstream and several from CNN just a few months ago. What changed in these few months? Science? More like politics. Wonder what our covid experience would have been if there was not a presidential election this year or there happened to be a D in the Whitehouse.

Cracks me up that people will shame folks who are hesitant to get the covid zombie juice (credit to the OP for a great post title) because of possible yet unknown future side affects from a vaccine and all of the politics involved. Those dang Cousin Eddies are just a bunch of knuckle dragging. anti science hicks, who want to kill grandma and the bubble boy next door, etc. Yet pro covid vaxers then turn around and scold others about the possible yet unknown future side affects of covid backed by hearsay and facebook rumors. Both of them are really the same thing. To each his own.

What I do know, for me personally and for my family is that we have already had covid. We live in a blue county in a red state. We all have to wear masks every day at work and school as well when we are shopping and we still got it. Our blue county intently follows covid political science, has over the past three weeks had worse covid numbers than the red counties around us without any mandates. Makes you wonder about science just a bit. At any rate the wife and kids all had mild cases and lost their sense of taste. We all live under the same roof and I was never symptomatic nor was I tested, but I was probably counted as a probable case. (Gotta respect probable science) Much of my extended family had the same experience. For us, we will drag our knuckles, kill the grandparents as well as the bubble boy next door, and get on with life without a vaccine.

For those of you who would shame me for murdering my fellow man because I will pass on the vaccine, I am sure that you are right behind those folks who would support prohibition, banning big gulps, and a complete ban on tobacco as well. Think of all of the tragic unnecessary deaths from from alcohol, obesity, and everything tobacco. Who better to save us from ourselves than the government and scientists who would support those types of mandates? Please express your virtue by supporting those noble causes to save humanity from living. Please do not complain about your freedoms, it is for the greater good.
Feb 20, 2014
Southwest Colorado

Biden and Pence have both gotten the first stab.

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Nov 4, 2019
I wasn’t allowed to say anything until today, but it's now okay for me to share that I volunteered for the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer. The vaccine is the one that has been developed in Russia. It is in 6 different stages and I received my first dose at 6:20 this morning and I wanted to let you all know that it is totally safe and I’m ok, with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι я чувю себя немного стрно и я думю, что вытл осные уши. чувству себя немго страо. Comrades.

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May 31, 2017
Done. No pictures.

This story has become tiresome.

I know of no one who has had any sort of adverse reaction. Hang out with a good number of people who have received it.

Obviously, long term is a different story.


May 31, 2017
So today has been a little tougher. Headache last night and general lousy feeling today. Injection site swelling. Makes me think I never had Covid with my reaction.


Feb 15, 2020
I had my 2nd dose and felt mild fatigue for about 24 hours. If I hadn’t known I had the vaccine, I would have not even thought about it. Of the 7 people that I know who got their second dose, 2 would probably have missed work for 1 day. The others had no symptoms or mild symptoms.


May 31, 2017
Feel fine this morning. Injection site is still a bit swollen but other than that I am GTG.
Dec 4, 2018
Feel fine this morning. Injection site is still a bit swollen but other than that I am GTG.
I got my second shot on Thursday. Sore arm and felt a little crappy the next morning. Cured with some Tylenol. Thankful to be free from worrying about getting it at work and giving it to my family. Too bad we live far apart from each other, would be fun to throw back some beers and swap hospital stories from this crazy mess.


May 31, 2017
I got my second shot on Thursday. Sore arm and felt a little crappy the next morning. Cured with some Tylenol. Thankful to be free from worrying about getting it at work and giving it to my family. Too bad we live far apart from each other, would be fun to throw back some beers and swap hospital stories from this crazy mess.

Yes it would!
Nov 10, 2020
My wife is an ER nurse who just got her second dose a couple days ago. She had zero side effects from the first dose but pretty substantial fatigue and muscle soreness after the second dose. That only lasted about 24 hours and was easily managed by ibuprofen, she didn’t even miss a shift.
Dec 6, 2020
Shenandoah Valley
My sister-in-law works for a biomed company in Washington State that has been treating cancer using this RNA technology for years. She's a bio chemical engineer literally helping people cure cancer with customized treatments. They decode a person's dna and build a custom cancer treatment that targets the cancer cells and leaves all of the persons other cells intact. This RNA technology is NOT entirely new. It's just widely available to the masses in vaccine form.

I was skeptical of this vaccine at first, but her explanation helped me realize, a) there are WAY smarter people in the world working on this stuff and, b) I never fully understood the research process enough to not be a moron about why one should or should not get a vaccine, medicine, etc. In summary, here are 5 key points I gathered from her educating me:

1. 99% of the stuff on the internet is BS (imagine that). Most of the true research articles are behind a pay wall; pay money for those articles (sometimes a lot of money) or be a scholar, researcher, doctor, etc who's company/school pays a subscription. The news and other media outlines that summarize the research 90% of the time only read the abstract and have no business attempting to interpret the results as they are morons.

Ie, us regular folk do not get to see all of the stuff the smart people see, let alone understand it. I wouldn't trust any average Joe to make sense of it. After seeing some of her research papers, I'd spend the first 5 minutes googling 90% of the words in her first paragraph.

2. Vaccines are more effective at helping you survive a virus or have less symptoms, vs just getting it. Not going to explain why. Just that majority of scientists and doctors agree.
3. The side-effects are so rare, even the extreme ones, that it's pretty silly how scared many of us get. She had to break the statistics down into cave painting form for me to understand. Ie, it will be extremely rare for some people to have side effects.

There will be people who have side effects, it happens. My wife carries and EPI-pen, and was told to not take it by doctors because she has idiopathic anaphylaxis (she had bad cancer as a kid that wrecked her system). She is one of these uber rare people who may experience a side effect (she has a lot of uber rare stuff thanks to that cancer). But she's one of the few exceptions. 6 million people have been vaccinated.

4. Pharma is not always evil people trying to be evil, many of the people creating these drugs want to save lives (my sister-in-law wanting to cure cancer because her sister had it is proof, as are all the people she works along side). Yes they get rich off drugs, but I prefer money as a motivator vs some other sinister motive.
5. Most importantly, and this is synonymous with #1 above, the media sucks at explaining anything medical and research related.

I share to say please don't freak out over a vaccine. I fully am for discussing concerns. I had my own, but as I shared above I came to realize there is not so much to be concerned about other than fear itself. The speed of which the virus came available seems to be the most concerning to people. Did we move to quickly? Were corners cut, etc? Well, here's what I learned as that was my biggest fear:

My scientist sister-in-law, who also worked at the FDA for several years, explained there is so much bureaucracy and red-tape not related to the testing phases at the FDA that makes every drug take forever to get cleared. There is all sorts of research and medicine being conducted out there and going through FDA review. She argued if anything, this vaccine should prove how we could get other much needed medicines out to people faster, especially generics, red-tape of getting these things to market weren't so extreme. Apparently, this is why there is no generic epi-pen or other generic drugs for seemingly simple to make drugs that now cost a fortune. For example, it is too expensive for a cottage shop pharmacy company to spend 10 years and millions of dollars to make a generic EPI-pen.

My other concern I shared was how it sounded like people got super sick with the second round vacccine and if it would prevent spread. She had her thoughts on that too. Ie, we are again talking about the rare side-effects some people will experience. And again, that the media and average Joe journalist's are not interpreting the published data correctly. What a lot of people don't really pay attention to and forget to talk about with COVID-19, are the patients who get hit hard by COVID-19. She did agree the at-risk groups or the patient population groups who are getting the most sick (elderly and preexisting condition groups), should be prioritized. But it does make sense to give it to healthcare workers, becuase if they get it, the virus would be all beat up from the persons immune system and not spread as easily.

Her argument is you can risk getting a severe case of COVID, and risk spreading to someone who could end up in the ICU, or get a vaccine that may make you feel a little under the weather for a day worst case, and make COVID seem like a little cold or not felt at all when you do get it. I'll go with the latter.

Again, all this to add to the conversation. Don't get me started on the mask debate haha. I believe in science and facts and will change my opinion when the facts change. For which my sister-in-law would respond, "now you're sounding like a scientist and not a moron." Cheers!

Again, share as another perspective to add to the conversation.

*Updated: For the record, if you are still skeptical of the vaccine, I'm not calling you an anti-vaxxer. I fully support skepticism and don't think anyone should be labeled this or that automatically. This is a new experience for everyone. The above info is just what brought me to 'OK, the vaccine seems safe enough for me.'
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