Sidearm caliber

Glock 27 .40 cal with Federal Premium 180 grain HST.

Killed a good size black bear with a G27 a few years ago. Shot placement is more important than type of weapon used. Like others have said, nothing can replace quality training with whatever weapon you take. Shooting competitively improves hunting success.

The 10mm is also an excellent caliber of choice. If you’re inexperienced, take a revolver, less chance of loosing a mag, or having the weapon jam because the grip was less than ideal.




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I regularly hunt black bear with a Ruger Super Blackhawk in 45 LC using HSM Bear Ammunition +P 325gr LFNGC. Will easily handle a black bear and most anything bigger.
329 pd when in Griz country when hiking/ backpacking/ archery or mountain lake fishing. Diamond D holster across the chest. 340mp .357 when in side country for black bear, cougar, humans with off Leash pit-bull etc.
I will sometimes put the little airweight in my elk pack for those nasty areas I hunt where you have to strap your rifle or bow to the pack just to traverse across a drainage.
These discussions always come down to a magnum revolver vs 10mm glock. Of course either will do fine.
I have always preferred my 329 pd personally because of its light weight and power/noise/concussion.

But one thing that gets overlooked is the ability to mount a light. For serious hunters or hikers who are often hiking for hours before and after daylight, a small bright light mounted on your pistol would be very nice.

I gave this some serious though this year in MT, when I was hiking out after dark and saw Grizz tracks over my tracks from that morning...
I had my Razco holsters built to hold my G20 with a TLR-1 light attached for that reason. I like the light option for an extra 4oz when packing the Glock.
Springfield XDM 10mm in grizz/brown bear country. If hiking or hunting here in VA i usually just have my Walther PPS M2 9mm or my duty issue Glock 19M.
How do you the the Springfield xdm, I am also thinking of getting one. What ammo are you shooting out of it?
Agree, shot placement is is with any caliber, or game animal. I've always carried my .40 cal Glock 27. Have never had to use it thankfully, but believe it would do the trick for most north American predator. However, I would recommend a target round over a hollow point for better penetration.
Glock 20 w/Underwood 220 grain hard cast

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This is what I usually carry, I actually have a stack (3) of glock 20s, 2 gen4 and a gen3. I use the KKM barrel, trijicon nightsights and keep them loaded with 220g underwood but I have no issue with any 200-220g hardcast load be it Buffalo Bore, HSM, Grizzly etc. I carry it in a gunfighters inc Kenai chest holster, it stays put for hiking, rafting, snow machining boating etc. Ive also started reloading 10mm so I practice with a g20 most weekends just shooting steel etc.
For me it is a .44 Magnum loaded with 255 gr. hard cast from Buffalo Bore. If I don't have the Buffalo Bore load it is the 240 gr. hard cast from Double Tap.