Randy, I actually did not

tracked him over a mile and he started dropping blood clots. Never did bed down. Super upset over it... really was my dream bull and I blew it. My goal this year was to call in a 6x6 herd bull and he met every hope that I had set for this hunt.
Both bulls were screaming bulges at us, both to cow calls and challenge bugles in response to our bugles. They were both extremely aggressive, definitely doing all they could to display dominance. The 6x6 came into a perfect scenario, as we worked our way into a herd of cows before giving our first bugle, and he instantly replied with a challenge bugle. Having a herd of live elk around us helped substantially to sell our story, but it also kept him out of reach during most of the scenario as he swooped up the herd of cows.
Very intense couple of days. The first portion of the week was slow, but as I previously said, the switch flipped in that particular area on Thursday. We went from not hearing a sound to having multiple bulls screaming all around us.