SHTF semi live elk hunt

Slow down fellas I have all week here so taking my time and hunting MY hunt. I spent 3 hours in a steady rain last night stalking and sitting in ambush by trails so it was time to dry out a bit. Trust me I will be out there again in the pouring rain stalking elk.

On that note: I took some time to process some wood. This little corona saw has been unbelievable at sawing through this pile. 23$ weights 8-10 ounces if you pack a stove into the woods I highly recommend one go in the pack. Slices through this pine like butter
Time will run out sooner then you remember, camp in the off season ;). Do we need to send Aron out there!
Nope just a valley I went by today. I did some stalking sat at a trail for a while elk aren't talking at all no encounters to night. Tomorrow I'm up early to get to a lookout see if I can spot some at first light. Enjoying myself out here lots of great wilderness. Spotted a few mule deer tonight prancing through a meadow. Was a doe and her yearling. Think it's the same ones we saw yesterday.
I would have loved to join you, but I am going with a friend to Montana to help on a combo elk/deer hunt there. I am only trying to provide words of encouragement, you're right, it is your hunt. Best of luck to you, shoot straight.
Hey, you're there hunting while I'm sitting here at my computer! Jealous dude...and good luck!

November can't come soon enough for me!
James -looks and sounds fantastic! You will be in the right state of mind when that elk presents you a shot...
Sitting at my ambush spot by a trail was up at 430am on the trailhead by 5 the spot I'm at is on the back side of a hill where me and Brian had a bull come into our cow calls it was frigid this morning weather looks great for the rest of the week. Elk are still silent Will update post later.
Saw 2 hunters go across a high meadow they went 100 yards west I thought ok lets play this out so I make a move to get around to where they would blow elk out recheck and they did a complete 180 back the direction they came from. I was disappointed.
Tonight I plan to do a little trail walking and calling see if I can get some curiosity going. Haven't seen shit all day. Wondering if the elk got pushed out.