Shrek's 6.5 saum build

Question for any accuracy gunsmith reading this. Can I get away with only cutting a half inch off the end of the barrel instead of the standard one inch ? Actually 5/8" to be more exact.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not going to even try to finish this before I hunt this year. At least I don't think I will... everything is going to be here by the end of this week . I can take a gamble that my local smith can get it right but it scares me. Then I have to bed the rifle and fix the trigger. Trigger was worked by someone and it sucks . I have a lighter spring but it won't hold at the weight I want. Going to have to recut or sharpen the sear edges. Not something I do often so I'll spend days looking at it and then leave it and think. I won't start until I can see clearly in my mind what I want to happen. Then I'd need to break it in and develop a load. Just not enough time and money to do everything. I'll get after it when I get back.
Hahaha ! Justin , the M70 trigger is super simple and easy to work and I enjoy working on my rifles. I just need to be certain as to what the previous owner did before I fix it. I won't need another backpack hunting rifle so my next project is a 338 Norma long range rig. Maybe a large shank Savage 116 , Benchmark barrel , a custom PTG spiral flute bolt and a fully adjustable stock.
Question for any accuracy gunsmith reading this. Can I get away with only cutting a half inch off the end of the barrel instead of the standard one inch ? Actually 5/8" to be more exact.

Shrek, the reason for the suggested 1" cuttoff on the muzzle is well founded. You can possibly get away with less, but you would need to borescope it and see where the scuff marks ended from the lapping. When lapping a barrel, the compound will roll between the lap and the barrel a bit before embedding in the lead lap leaving 'score' marks in the barrel. That and where the lap exits it typically bells the end of the bore a tad. Sometimes with carefull lapping that distance may be less, or it might not even matter and the gun shoots great anyway, but when using a good custom barrel why take the chance over an extra 10-20 fps that 1/2" might possibly give you? With a button barrel, the bore shouldn't be belled from the rifling, but with a cut barrel that first inch the cutter head isn't supported as well and typically the quality of bore/rifling isn't as great until the head is fully supported by the bore.

Now if you had a standard Douglas barrel you could probably just crown back 1/4" as they are just buttoned and profiled and not lapped at all. I usually lap those myself before chambering.
Well , things change in a hurry ! This is going to be barreled by Whiddon Gun Works Monday. Anyone know of any 7mm saum Remington or Norma brass anywhere ? If so please let me know asap. I really don't want to buy Nosler if I can avoid it.
If you have not bought your neck turner yet and don't want to mess with it, give Josh a call at Copper Creek, he sells Remington (sold out) and Norma Brass that is fully prepped for 6.5 SAUM- Trimmed and neck turned 0.015''- Not cheap but once you figure in the savings of not having to purchase neck turning tools and the fact that you can get 10-15 plus firings per case easily in this caliber it really is not so bad.
For those who are shooting a 6.5 saum already and necking down your own brass what neck thickness are you getting with 7mm saum brass before you turn them ? I have a .298 no turn neck and I'm not sure if I will need to do anything to the necks after sizing.
When I turn necks how much roon in the neck is too much and what is too little. Is .004 fine ? My .298 neck and .015 neck thickness will leave about that if I have my math right.
Shrek, you need to get one of those rifles done. .. and damn soon. The clock is ticking.... Your truck will be heading west sooner than you know it. Is the 7WSM ready to hunt if the 6.5 doesn't come together? Projects are fun, but hunting is more fun. Got my 25-06 sighted on Saturday. Just need to load enough rounds for the hunt and get gear rounded up. You should be doing the same. I have at least a half dozen projects that I have set aside until I'm done hunting. Just my 2 cents..
I'm at Whiddon Gunworks now. They're in a barn sized building out back of his house on a gravel road in the country at the edge of town. Not even a sign but inside it's all business. A workshop and another room full of cnc machines. The 6.5 saum should be done soon.
have their toolhead for my 550 dillon. need to get couple more as they really stabilize the upper on the press. mom always told me to finish what i'm doing before starting another project, another piece of her advice gone unheeded......
I just got back from getting my barrel chambered and fitted a Whiddon Gunworks. What a great experience ! Whiddon exudes competence , confidence , and pride in craft . I had already bought some dies from them and was impressed with the fit and finish and now the gunsmithing experience. The same drive , competence , and attention to detail that has allowed him to win national shooting championships is apparent in his business. It's all done with cnc turning centers , cnc mills , and cnc lathes. John Whiddon himself finished the chambering and fitting. I had no other contact with him before I called out of the blue and asked if he could help me out with finishing this in time . After speaking with Burke about my project he said sure , be here first thing Monday morning and we'll take care of the job. They are reworking their website and there is a lot thats not up yet. John Whiddon is a hard working and ambitious man and he showed me some interesting projects he's working on. Highly recommended.
Now, Shrek, did he give you a discount if you did a glowing endorsement like that?:) Looking forward to pictures. Do you have all the goodies you need to put bullets down the tube? BTW, I did look at his site this morning after mtswampfox brought up the deal on the Dillon toolheads. Might need to try a couple of those out.
No discount :( It hurt plenty but it was a square deal. Not cheap by any means but it was fair for quality workmanship and instant satisfaction. I could have gotten the work done for half the cost but it would have been months not a day wait and probably half the precision. John Whiddon is a competition rifle guy and it shows. Middle of the road cost but top of the line work which makes it a good deal.
As for goodies I'm getting there fast. Still need a scope and brass but I think everything else is on its way or here already. If Doug at comes through with what I need I think I've got this handled..? Hahaha !
Almost ready to bed. I forgot the straws at work and I'm getting tired so I'm quitting for the night.


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