So im sure there is a myriad of techniques.
And they answered a couple of questions on the Avery adventures podcast for me.
But for some reason I just can't wrap my head around how to get a solution to make a cold bore hit at 1200 and in on a hunting situation.
Let me tell you what I have done so far and hopefully you can share your experiences and fill the gap in for me.
So let's say I already have an accurate rifle/load and a reliable scope.
So I have an Rpr with a 1/4" moa load, zeroed the rifle and chronographed it.
Used the vortex app to make a holdover chart.
It took 6 rounds to walk it in on a rock at about 650.
Went back into the app and changed the muzzle velocity until the chart matched what I actually had dialed.
The new chart got me hits at 760 and 925 ish.
Fast forward to a different day with the 2nd chart in the same area but not the same rock. I was close but had to ad a click .25 moa for the elevation to be correct. 2nd rd hit at 625ish.
My older 1200 Lieca range finder does not have angle comp.
I do not have any weather meter.
I could use a more live app like shooter or applied, but dont I need a kestrel to input the data? Or at least service so it can pull weather online?
Would it be accurate enough if I updated the app 1st thing in the morning then dropped down about 500ft in the canyon where I no longer have service?
I'd still have to put an angle meter on the rifle?
What options to i have here, what are you guys using?
Feel like i should just get a kestrel elite and a
But i also want to learn rather then just push the easy button.
Thanks in advance for the help.
And they answered a couple of questions on the Avery adventures podcast for me.
But for some reason I just can't wrap my head around how to get a solution to make a cold bore hit at 1200 and in on a hunting situation.
Let me tell you what I have done so far and hopefully you can share your experiences and fill the gap in for me.
So let's say I already have an accurate rifle/load and a reliable scope.
So I have an Rpr with a 1/4" moa load, zeroed the rifle and chronographed it.
Used the vortex app to make a holdover chart.
It took 6 rounds to walk it in on a rock at about 650.
Went back into the app and changed the muzzle velocity until the chart matched what I actually had dialed.
The new chart got me hits at 760 and 925 ish.
Fast forward to a different day with the 2nd chart in the same area but not the same rock. I was close but had to ad a click .25 moa for the elevation to be correct. 2nd rd hit at 625ish.
My older 1200 Lieca range finder does not have angle comp.
I do not have any weather meter.
I could use a more live app like shooter or applied, but dont I need a kestrel to input the data? Or at least service so it can pull weather online?
Would it be accurate enough if I updated the app 1st thing in the morning then dropped down about 500ft in the canyon where I no longer have service?
I'd still have to put an angle meter on the rifle?
What options to i have here, what are you guys using?
Feel like i should just get a kestrel elite and a
But i also want to learn rather then just push the easy button.
Thanks in advance for the help.