Density Altitude In Shooter App?

Interesting. So you take the geometric center regardless of how many shots are above or below it?

Correct. Guns shooting a cone. Ignoring the ones you don’t like or “weighing” them less importance just means the center of your cone is not the center of the target. You will miss more.

I shot the .223 at the same waterline but hadn’t really evaluated it yet as I was rushed and had to leave. While the vertical dispersion sucks it’s still probably going to bring me close enough for any range I’d actually shoot I guess…

TMK at 2622 (10 shot avg). Dialed 5.8. Make an adjustment based on the yellow or maybe slightly below it based on my poor geometry and roll on?

Appreciate the help 👍 (both with the shooting and the iPhone art! I am learning on both 😂 )

View attachment 755379

Yes, and yes the yellow line is a bit high.

Shoot a group. Draw a perfect cuticle around all shots. Adjust from the center of that circle.
Correct. Guns shooting a cone. Ignoring the ones you don’t like or “weighing” them less importance just means the center of your cone is not the center of the target. You will miss more.

Yes, and yes the yellow line is a bit high.

Shoot a group. Draw a perfect cuticle around all shots. Adjust from the center of that circle.

What do you use as scope height for medium UM rings?

Off topic but is there a reason manufacturers of Tikka rings or other direct mount rings that aren’t subject to a variety of rails under them don’t publish the height over bore as part of product data?