I’ve been researching reasonably priced options for tripods, mounts and the necessary associated parts I may need.
So far I’ve purchased an rt90c tripod and a PIG saddle mount. Both have a few week wait before I receive them.
I plan on using this setup for prairie dogs, coyote sets, antelope, and range shooting.
Id like to use several different rifles without requiring arca rails or similar mounts.
Does anyone have first hand experiences or suggestions on anything that may be a better option for the scenarios I’ve laid out?
So far I’ve purchased an rt90c tripod and a PIG saddle mount. Both have a few week wait before I receive them.
I plan on using this setup for prairie dogs, coyote sets, antelope, and range shooting.
Id like to use several different rifles without requiring arca rails or similar mounts.
Does anyone have first hand experiences or suggestions on anything that may be a better option for the scenarios I’ve laid out?