Shoot2Hunt University

mt terry d

Jul 18, 2023
Though I've had the in-person class I am also interested in the on-line version.

There's so much valuable info in so short a time period it's hard to retain it all.


Jul 3, 2012
Central Cal
2nd S@H class review

The canyons and hills made for a great place to practice and learn. Watch where you sit, there’s more than enough cactus to go around. Expect to have to walk a bit with your pack, ammo and rifle.

Accommodations: It aint no 5 star hotel, but it sure wasn’t tent camping either. Good enough.

Food: Excellent home cooked meals. If you have a sweet tooth for desert you will be in heaven.

Instructors: Excellent at the task and extremely knowledgeable. You will get the chastising you need to help you break your bad habits. And you will also see them genuinely happy as your skills increase. Overall some pretty cool dudes to be around.

Equipment: Do yourself a favor and show up with a mil scope or you will constantly hear “Jesus loves units of 10”, or something to that effect. As previously mentioned a range-finding bino is helpful, but a normal rangefinder is just fine. Bring a minimum of 700 rounds, 1000 preferred.

Classmates: You’re going to get what you get, though I’d expect your chances of getting some wankers are fairly low. For our class we had an excellent group of men to hang out with for a week. Everyone was there to learn and we had a lot of fun doing it. Team 1-6, you guys were great to shoot and learn with.

Things I learned:

  • You will likely get assigned a nickname. If you’re lucky it will be one you like. If not you can join @mtnwrunner(Trandy) with one that is less than desirable.
  • BC’s matter and a 6 creed is impressive.
  • @Tanya Avery thinks that if judging both at their peak of hotness, Jessica Biel is hotter than Kate Bekinsale. Respectfully disagree.
  • A Bergara is a loathsome piece of trash that will bring you ridicule. It also was an absolute hammer out to the distances we were shooting.
  • You go for the training, but stay for the truck ride off the mountain at the end of the day. Hat tip to Jeff for sparking the entertainment.
  • You can likely bribe Dan the Gypsy with red vines.
  • Driving 1 truck up the mountain twice is not equal to driving 2 trucks up the mountain once.
  • I thought @Formidilosus would be taller.
  • If you throw the gayest stock imaginable on a 6.5creed CTR - I believe it was the bear camp stock - you get a shooter that can't quit smiling at his hit rate.

Outcome: The entire class was measurably more deadly by Friday. Increases in both hit rate and speed were readily apparent. In a nut shell, you will get what you paid for.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho
Couple of things........
1. You can't fight nicknames. Fuzzy wuzzy will get his due.
2. Everyone improved immensely. It was fun to watch. Couple of all day grins.
3. Tanya has a hall pass on someone.
4. Kate Beckinsale is.........🔥
5. My gut still hurts from the truck just can't explain it.
6. Yes, that bear camp rifle is a thing of beauty. NOT.
7. It was a hoot.
