For me, there's a loss in perspective here when they're only 60-80 yards away, which happens with 2D, plus it shows how difficult it really is to photograph wildlife and get an accurate representation of the critters. I see some serious "ground shrinkage" for what I would be wanting at the beginning of a long hunting season. Hard Pass for me.
Last year on a late WA tag I ended up having hunted 18/20 day season, and I ate my tag. Every morning I told myself, this could be the day and if I shoot a "bail-out buck" then I'm done. My theory was why "go cheap", as I'd waited 23 years for the tag; and yes I probably had too high of expectations, but there were several contributing factors (very warm November/no snow, deer #'s WAY down in GMU, predators up). I've shot a decent amount of deer, now I'm wanting a real good buck, especially if I have a week plus of season. Something I heard a long time ago....THE buck will make YOUR mind up for YOU..