Shed hunting


Apr 29, 2012
Castle rock, co
I recently moved to castle rock from grand junction Colorado. I used to hunt sheds in GJ all the time and was successful. I have since found new hunting areas for elk that are right around tree line or higher and I doubt they are in there when they drop sheds. I have yet to find one in four years of archery hunting up there. It's not like grand junction where the summer and winter ranges are the same. So for guys that archery hunt up high in sept. what are you looking for in the spring to find sheds? Do you go to the winter ranges? Or should I find them up high too?
Typically winter ranges but it depends on where the bulls are. Some years you may Find a bunch on an area and the next years nothing. Have found a pair above timberline which is odd in my opinion.
Most of your sheds will be found in the mid level between winter range and timberline. That being said three are many factors where you may find sheds in a given year. Snow depth, predators, people, mother nature, food, etc. Your best bet is to get out in February and early March to see if you can find bachelor groups of bulls and then follow the greenup line come April. From your past experience you probably know the more boot trax you lay come late March, April and May the better chances you have of collecting antlers. Additionally, shed hunting has become a BIG activity for many and if you are late someone may have alread collected the bounty before you arrive. Pick your best potential spots and hit them first and then move on from there. Good luck says Magnum!