Shed Hunting Glasses

Careful, you might get called out for being a hater. 🙄

I enjoy mushroom hunting, especially Morels which are difficult to see a lot of the time. Honestly if these glasses were marketed solely for that purpose I may have even had some interest, especially at a lower price. Advertising to shed hunters seems purely like a marketing ploy though. It would be like saying these are good at finding sticks too. Mushrooms are small and you often need to be within just a few feet of them or standing right over them to see, so maybe theses glasses do indeed help spot fungi easier. If someone bought these solely to help find sheds though I bet they would find the exact same amount of sheds as they would without the glasses. Maybe we need someone to do a Rokslide field test.
Ok so you acknowledge that mushrooms can be hard to see but not sheds? Can you at least acknowledge that different shades of sunglasses may help you see a little better? You should really spend 5 mins trying on different shade of glasses. Your mind will be blown. Little explosion likely as there’s not much to blow up in there obviously.

Get online. Complain about a product that is targeting a sector you know nothing about. Keep complaining about product to include the price even though you have no idea quality of product.

Some peoples kids 🤣
Get online. Complain about a product that is targeting a sector you know nothing about. Keep complaining about product to include the price even though you have no idea quality of product.

I've been shed hunting since I was a little kid and mushroom hunting most of my adult life so I think have a pretty good idea what that sector is about...

Regardless, my apologies for offending you or anyone you know with my negative comments of a product I haven't tried. Since you own these glasses maybe you could give us all a detailed review and field test sometime. ✌️
I have tried the yellow tinted "shooting" style vs the regular tinted sunglasses (both Nemesis brand safety glasses), and I couldn't tell a difference on the way sheds showed up.