shaving spotter weight

Jul 10, 2012
eatonvile, wa
right now i run a pretty low budget spotting scope and have been curious if maybe i could upgrade my optical quality and shave some weight by going to a fixed power spotter? without totally breaking the bank...
For as much glassing as I do with my spotter, I don't think I could get by with a fixed power. All depends on your glassing style I'd guess!

my current spotter is pretty much useless over 20x because the image quality falls apart so i think i could get by with like a fixed 30x and be better off?
I would look into the nikon ed50 or minox md50. Both great spotters compact and lightweight. Nikon has fixed power eyepieces for the ed50 not sure if minox does. If your used to 20x then i think you would be pretty content with these. They both have greater zoom capabilities with small bodies.
I have the little minox and it is very good considering price. Maybe look at the swaro Robby did a write up on, if interested b&h photo has a used one for $500. Also I would wait before buying, have a feeling some new cool items are coming out this next year so some good deals may be coming up.
I have the little minox and it is very good considering price. Maybe look at the swaro Robby did a write up on, if interested b&h photo has a used one for $500. Also I would wait before buying, have a feeling some new cool items are coming out this next year so some good deals may be coming up.

that swaro looks goofy but might be just the ticket. little on the spendy side for me but maybe doable if i found a swinging used deal
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Haha, well this is a deal that you really can't lose on. Robby paid the same price 7 years ago and really he still prefers it over the other spotters. If you decided you wanted something else or fixed wasn't for you then you'll probably get your money back out of it.

Guess the wait was if you were to buy anything new :)
Most scopes have options of different eye pieces for fixed or variable. The bulk of the weight is from the body, so I would find the scope you want and see what eyepiece fits your needs. That said, my zeiss' eyepiece is over a pound by itself...

Another option is the compact leupold spotter. It's the fixed power gold ring 20 power. I have one and love it. The weight is right at one pound and it costs right around 300.00. Again you are losing that variable power but usually I am glazing with my 8 power binos and the 20 power will help me confirm an object whether it's a stump or animal.
I just got a brunton eterna 18-38x50 with hd lens on closeout from sportsmans guide for about $270. 23oz and seem very good. Don't have any mountains to try them on in florida. Reviews were good and another member here has been using them for so time and is very happy with them. Just checked and they are $296 now. I think they were down to about $270 a month ago. I will try and find the catalog numder if anyone is interested. Found it... 269.99 good to nov.30 in catalog number 240235.
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If your going to go 50mm there are some good reviews most rate only the top three.

1st - Nikon ed50
2nd - Minox MD50
3rd - Leopold Gold Ring

Do a quick google search, there is a good article in the birding world and a demo minox is around $230 which is a great price for the quality of glass. The Nikon blows it away with ed glass but is also around $800.
Dotman , I would have got the minox md50 if the brunton with ed florite glass had not come up. It seems to be a nice scope for the money.
Those Swaro CTC spotters are pretty nice. My hunting partner bought one several years ago and when backpacking we only take one spotter and his CTC usually gets taken. They pack well and are very durable and optically very good as well. And you get to look like a pirate! Fwiw I really don't care for any of the 50 mm spotters I would much rather carry the weight of a real spotter JMO.
I have to say that the ctc above is an awesome deal and around 1lb lighter then the avg 65mm spotter. If I could get past the fixed issue in my head I would jump on it.
Dotman , I would have got the minox md50 if the brunton with ed florite glass had not come up. It seems to be a nice scope for the money.

How long has the Brunton been out, I never saw it in any comparison reviews. What I like about a 50mm is the size/weight. It isn't going to be able to tell you how many points there are on a buck or bull 2 miles away buy it will let you know if there is a buck or bull when binos do not. I also like the variable zoom from 15-30 which is usable at all powers all in a package that has an avg length of 9in and 23oz. Most 65mm are twice if not close to triple this weight. I can leave my spotter attached to the tripod and stuffed in a pocket.

I wouldn't want to use a 50mm for trophy hunting or sheep and goat hunting but for elk and deer it is perfect IMO.
I have no idea how long they were out. I purchased the 10x51 brunton binos and was so impressed I got the spotter too. I think they listed at about $800 sold for @ $500 and didn't catch on. They are closeouts now and a deal imo. I don't know spotters well but the bino's are a cut under ziess victorys and better than any leuopold. There is a member who has used them out west and is very happy with them. I will see if I can find the thread and the member with field use.
i can agree with the above, not all that interested in the 50mm pieces. I'm really liking that ctc other than looking like a pirate i think it would be a good fit.
as i said before, fixed power doesn't really bother me as the spotter i have is adjustable but useless over the lowest power...
maybe i should change the title of this to upgrade spotter quality without spending too much and adding a ton of weight..