Share your "Hunting Items I've overspent on with no advantage"

I have a gear buying problem. In the off season my mind gets caught up in various hunt ideas and retail therapy kicks in. Most of those hunts never come together as envisioned.

My wife tolerates it and it’s better than buying drugs I guess.

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Any Bino Harness. I have a love/hate relationship with them...all. I have tried Badlands, AGC, Kuiu, Marsupial (x2), SG, Kifaru. I buy them, try them, then sell them, all for a hit in the pocketbook. I keep going back to my original AGC, and it's not perfect either. Still looking for the holy "bino" grail.

I prefer stuff sewn by my wife, cause then it's the way that I want it. She made a stay on neoprene spotting scope case out of a $7 wine holder. It is awesome!
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Rifle scopes that don't hold zero.
A custom rifle -- my Savage Axis was made and shoots better.
Trying to many bullets trying to get just a little more accuracy or performance.
I'm convinced rotomolded, yeti style coolers aren't worth the hype for average users. They hold temp a bit better but they're too difficult to move by yourself. I use my old Coleman's more because I can actually lift them when they're packed, as opposed to asking a neighbor for help moving a fully laden rtic.
I think Custom guns are up there for me, all this prep and load work and i dont often get shots on animals over 300 yards. And then I bought a Tikka CTR that is just as accurate for 1/4 of the price ( i think my CTR may be on the exceptional side of accuracy even for a Tikka.) But man I do love my rifles and I usually get bored with them and change the barrel to something else before I shoot it out.
My Leica range finder. I have used it more for the "guess how far that is" game with clients and friends than actually used it to range an animal. But I do carry it still, just in case.....

My Winchester Extreme Weather in 270 WSM. Great gun and I have shot a lot of game with it, but for the cost of the gun and the Zeiss scope, everything I shot could have been killed with my basic old boring 270 win with the basic old boring Bausch and Lomb Elite 3200 . So it has become a safe queen for now.

Cheap ground blinds that last a year......


All optics that begin with a V.

Agreed 100%. I have 3 items from said “V” company. Through no fault of my own, ALL 3 have had to invoke the warranty clause. Doesn’t leave a ton of confidence in the product. I will say the warranty is wonderful, but in my experience necessary.
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Man I could write a small book on frivolities haha bottom line is practice and determination kill stuff. Not gear. But it is nice to have nice things I know that for sure. I think most important gear is rock solid scope/ rings or any aiming device, behind that is binos and boots/ socks. Least important is name brand hunting clothing… really though with rifles and bows, most low end bows kill just as good as an RX7 and 90% of hunters (myself included) can’t shoot better than a decent ruger American gen 1 that prints .75 10 round groups…