I here this a lot but have so many Vortex products and have never had to send a single one if for repair? I have a HST scope, Razor 65mm Spotter, Razor 10x42's, Razor HD 4000 range finder, summit tripod, skyline tripod, a window mount, 5 sets of viper HD's 10x42's, and one Viper HD 85mm spotter for work. I've had most of them for over 5 years and some for 10, my Razors all have the paint worn off of them they've been used so much and my HST has held zero and still hits steel at 1K after 6 years on the rifle and has killed a dozen animals.
They do offer a great warranty, they are the only company to offer a lifetime warranty on the electronics in their range finder, leica, swaro, zeiss, leupold, sig, etc. none of them do and most don't offer over 3 years. I am on my 3rd range finder in 5 years, I feel like my new Razor's will be the last pair I have to buy.
Maybe I'm just lucky but if feel like they get a pretty bad wrap online for offering a great warranty. I do know one thing is for sure, my gear gets used and used hard, I've had seveal motorcycle crashes with my Razors on my chest and have spend hundreds of hours behind them as well as my older viper glass at work.