Setup Suggestions for Prime Black 5

Hamskea Hybrid Hunter Pro w/microtune for a rest, Hamskea Raptor peep in your size choosing and a Black Gold Pro sight. Add in a Tight Spot quiver and you're good to go.
Add in a custom string from ABB or GAS and that sounds like the best you can get.
Bump to see how everyone is enjoying their Prime set-ups.

Going to be shooting the Nexus 4 soon, and digging up suggestions on a complete, out the door, ready to shoot bow.

Currently looking at the sights from Option archery, and the Sherpa quiver from Prime. Pretty well undecided on stabs, wrist sling, bow case, and release.
I shoot a centergy. Really like it. I went and looked at a nexus and it’s just seems very complicated can abs cable system. Not sure I would want to mess with that.
From this thread...

"Good luck. I just bought a new leftover 2017 bow and they don't have a 30" cam for it and I'm told 3 months "possibly" wait time while they machine a new one. Don't bother emailing customer service I never got a reply. I called and got two different answers on timeframes in regards to my cams and neither would give me an absolute answer. My dealer called when they ordered cams for me and were told within a couple's been 2 weeks and no cams and no timeframe in sight. I live in Michigan and wanted to support a MI company but disappointed they don't stock cams from a 4 year old bow. On the plus side the bow is work of art and I love it, hopefully by spring I'll be able to shoot it lol."
Doubt you’ll find any company that stocks cams from 4 years ago, especially DL specific cams.
I have had to get cams from Hoyt that took about 4-5 weeks to come in, that’s pretty typical. It is Covid right now so that has an effect I am sure. Probably a lot of issues with getting some cams out right now while they’re building 2021 bows too.

I didn’t read the archery talk post to see if there were other concerns in the thread, but I wouldn’t be to concerned by that.
Hamskea for the peep may be a good way to go if you are looking to do the clarifier/verifier thing cause of your eyes. If not I’d say total peep for sure, hamskea or ripcord rest, spot hogg, axcel, or black gold sight, b stinger stabilizer and probably a tight spot quiver, B3 releases, goldtip, Easton, or victory arrows, Valkyrie, iron will, heads. All together very spendy but lots of top notch options from each one of these companies to fully outfit the new rig🤙🏻 Lots of time to practice till season again. Happy shootin!