Serving Tool and Serving Material


Mar 11, 2020
School me up on these. What makes a good serving tool and what makes a poor one? Same with serving itself. Any major things to look for in material other than size?
Currently using the Beiter Winder Profi X-Heavy. It's been fantastic. I took the buy once, cry once approach and have no regrets. I can get the serving tighter than needed and the added weight makes spinning it at the proper tension nice.

I usually stick with the BCY PowerGrip serving and have various sizes so that I can get the proper nock fit.

You want enough weight so once it's spinning, it's easy to keep it going. The bear paw is a pretty good one for the money.

I like power grip for center serving. It's durable, and doesn't seem to shift much.

Halo seems a little better for end serving.
You'll hate this answer but it all depends. I own and operate a small custom string company and I use several for varying reasons.

For served end loops I use .08 diameter material. Typically from bloodline fibers, but occasionally from bcy. For material this small the Beiters which I consider the best do not shine here. I prefer a jig with a hole and not a slit as the small diameter stuff will easily fall out of the Beiter. I use a simple OMP jig for this.

For end serving, I use the standard Beiter. Typically .14 diameter. For the string stop and center serving I use the heavy Beiter as I turn those by hand and the heavy version is great for that.

Anything else feel free to reach out at
The beiter is worth the extra money.

Your serving choice depends on your application. You'll size it to your nock or cams and your materials choice will depend on what you want.
Thanks for the input so far. Getting myself set up to at least tinker and do most my own maintenance. Press should be done next week and vice is already to complete.