Serving Bleeds. Common or Reccomendations?

Dylan Sluis

Nov 8, 2021
I recently bought some black BCY 3D serving(0.016) for soft nocks and tying in peeps. But it bleeds color so bad onto my hands and onto anything it touches. Not an issue if you got dark strings but I just ordered a new RX9 with yellow strings and would prefer to not get black marks all over them because of this serving. Is this normal? And is there any way to stop it. I tried like running it between a wet cloth many times but it still bleeds even after wiping it off a ton. And I am way open to any serving suggestions you guys have that don't bleed. Thanks!
Get some leather, or use leather gloves and pull it across. Kinda burnish it. It's a dyed wax on it, helps lubricate, and prevents moisture absorption. Won't rub off with a little water.

For your use, cheap nylon serving will do what you need and won't be covered in dye if it's that much of an issue.