Sentencing in (CO) Mzl Fatality

I'm sorry but I couldn't care less what that guy has gone through. As for his family, that is his problem not ours.
There is only one victim and one victim's family here. And they are the only ones who deserve sympathy.
I'm sorry but I couldn't care less what that guy has gone through. As for his family, that is his problem not ours.
There is only one victim and one victim's family here. And they are the only ones who deserve sympathy.
It absolutely blows my mind the number of people here saying punishing this dude for KILLING A MAN is just a waste of time.

This literally sets a legal precedent that KILLING A MAN due to your own reckless disregard for human life is not a big deal.

It IS a big deal and the punishment should fit the crime. Dude should have his entire life ruined just like the man he killed, and the wife and children of the man he killed had their entire lives destroyed due to his negligence and disregard for anyone other than himself and his own selfish desires. Anything less than that is a travesty.

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It absolutely blows my mind the number of people here saying punishing this dude for KILLING A MAN is just a waste of time.

This literally sets a legal precedent that KILLING A MAN due to your own reckless disregard for human life is not a big deal.

It IS a big deal and the punishment should fit the crime. Dude should have his entire life ruined just like the man he killed, and the wife and children of the man he killed had their entire lives destroyed due to his negligence and disregard for anyone other than himself and his own selfish desires. Anything less than that is a travesty.

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I may be wrong, but I didn't see anyone say punishing him is a waste of time. Speaking for myself I think he needs to be punished and he should pay for this the rest of his life.

I just wonder if there are any forms of punishment that are actually beneficial to the victim's family and society in general instead of detrimental. Something like making him go to work every day for the rest of his life to support the victim's family.

I guess the logistics of that would be difficult though. Maybe jail time is the best form of punishment available (I'm certainly not an expert).

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I work corrections (nurse)
I discharged a girl that served a year for burning her own kids in a house fire. “Not enough proof” To sentence her longer.
Have one serving 10 years for killing two of her kids, under 10 years old and paralyzing the other. She was on drugs, rolled her car on the highway. Comes to medical about everyday for Motrin for the “pain”. Never once acknowledges what she did.
Have another that shot and stabbed her 8 year old 40 times. It was dads weekend to pick the kids up. Her other daughter got off lucky, she was shot in the leg, ran and got help from the neighbors. She got life.

3rd offense shoplifter and paper crimes can get a longer sentence that a person that killed another.
jail time in this particular case is the best form of punishment. if you look at the civil side of this, what do you think can or will happen? make him work and give money? look at his age, what work is he doing and for how long? and if he decides not to work you already established he will not be punished. could we take his home and everything he has? sure, but we won't do that in this world. at the end of the day, this man gets to go home. I can agree jail time is not very productive for alot of cases, and every case needs to be evaluated for the best punishment. unfortunately, that would require the legal community to do their jobs, and that's just asking too much.
We imprison too many people in this country, and for the wrong reasons, and in the end it probably does more harm to society than it does good. There are people that are a danger to society and they should absolutely be locked up. I dont know what this guy deserves. I think that taking the life of another accidently probably deserves a combination of jail and long term community service. Serving 90 days by itself is not enough. I know our legal system is probably just as broken as our health care system though.
I'm a new hunter. I always wondered how people are able to shoot others. Simply assumed it may be intentional with the excuse of ignorance and "seeing something else". I'm new, and even I wonder why tf would I shoot at something I don't have a clear shot at nor can I tell what it really is?

Guy should have gotten way more time. That's a slap on the wrist.
First of all, the guy is a felon. Now he just killed someone. I'm thinking at least ten years in prison. Maybe it was an accident, how would anyone know for sure? He may have shot the guy on purpose for hunting in his area. Ten years would also be a deterrent for the next guy. Maybe if you know you'll do ten years in jail you won't just shoot at random movement or noises.
The only possibility of it being an accident would be if he was actually shooting at an elk and missed, or the other guy stepped in the way as the trigger was being pulled. Definitely feel though that there should be no requirement of blaze orange and that it leads to a fast sense of security for people shooting, making them feel that if it moves and doesn't have the proper marking, it must be okay to shoot it.
I always wondered how people are able to shoot others.
Should always end up being a manslaughter charge at the very least. None of us here would shoot at something if we couldn't tell what it was and it takes a real idiot to pull the trigger without clearly and undeniably seeing what they're shooting at.
First of all, the guy is a felon. Now he just killed someone. I'm thinking at least ten years in prison. Maybe it was an accident, how would anyone know for sure? He may have shot the guy on purpose for hunting in his area. Ten years would also be a deterrent for the next guy. Maybe if you know you'll do ten years in jail you won't just shoot at random movement or noises.
They were both from PA and only lived about 15-20 miles from each other. Makes you wonder.
I can't believe that people are actually defending this sentence. The guy took a man's life, period, end of story. 90 days and a fine that cost less than the elk tag he was trying to fill? GTFO if you think that is justice. What kind of civil settlement do you think the family of the deceased will get from a 60+ year old man? The judge took a tragedy and somehow made it worse.
If I read this right, he's a felon and can't hunt with a fire arm. Thing is, felons can still hunt with a black powder or bow. My buddy got a felony charge ( didn't kill any one or nothing ) and he still can hunt by either of those means.
They talk about banning guns but let this guy off easy. I’m not saying take a life for a life but maybe give all his guns to the victim’s family and turn the shooter loose in the woods.
They let anyone off easy if they have the right political ideology