Sentencing in (CO) Mzl Fatality

Nonsense. Jail time is often a deterrent. I’m not going to rob this bank because I don’t want to go to the jail for 10 years. I’m not going to embezzle money because if I get caught I’m going to jail for 10 years.

In this case it’s not a deterrent for the next guy. I’m not going to accidentally shoot this guy thinking he’s an elk. It’s just a punishment. It won’t bring back the dead hunter, so what’s the point of paying all this money to lock this guy up?
There is specific deference and general, both are considered. Specifically, no this doesn’t really serve as deterrence to defendant (specific). I disagree and think it would serve as general deterrence to other hunters though. It might not be needed for you or most, but a lot of guys just like this one run around the woods, no idea what they are doing, shooting at every rattling bush, I’ve witnessed it more than once…. They might think twice if the book got thrown at this guy and made big news.

His life might be ruined, but he still has a life. Time has the ability to heal most things, he has time, the other fellow doesn’t.
There is also the idea of retribution, I don’t think the sentence was in proportion to the crime, think he got off easy.
I agree though, terrible all the way around.
He absolutely deserves a long jail sentence though no doubt. A man is dead because of his actions.

I fully agree that there needs to be a strong and swift punishment for what the man did. However, I just question if jail time is necessarily the best way to hand out the punishment. Sticking him in jail doesn't do anything to pay for what he did and does nothing to help those he hurt the most, it simply means he becomes another non-productive citizen burning tax dollars to do absolutly nothing.

I think it would be more beneficial if he had to work the rest of his life to pay for what he has done and every dollar he makes (beyond the base necessities to live) goes to support the victim's family. Not that any amount of work or money can really pay for the crime - but at least the victim's family could benefit from it.

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And I do agree that the sentence in this case seems way too light for what was done...

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90 days is ridiculous. A guy kicked me while on duty (a felony) and got a year in county jail. And this dude gets 3 months, which he likely not have to complete. For killing someone.
Death penalty? Life in prison? No deterrent as murders still happen every day. Doubtful that even "instant death" would make a noticeable impact on murders in the US.

I will say this: there is not one person on this site that has never broken a law, knowingly or not. We are all criminals to varying degrees.
I agree that there must be justice whether it is a mistake or not and that 90 days in jail is hardly equivalent to a human life.

However, I always wonder what is gained by sending someone to jail for a mistake - it seems kind of pointless. I am guessing that the chances this guy will ever make this mistake again are extremely low, and if he hasn't learned the lesson by now I hardly thing any amount of jail time will make a difference. What is gained by him sitting in jail being another leach on society? (assuming he is not deemed a threat to other people)

In my opinion, justice would be better served by making this guy give every dime he has or makes in the future (beyond what is needed for him to stay alive) to the victims family. I think that would be greater punishment than jail time, and would also assist those who were hurt by his mistake. Also, he should never be allowed to hunt again or own firearms...

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"Mistake"? Shooting blindly in to the woods at something that is the color brown is a mistake?
He killed a man, recklessly. That deserves more than 90 days and 500.00. Hell, my last speeding ticket for 13 over was 260.00.
So you have a history of making conscious decisions on which laws to comply with and which ones to break. May want to change your user name to Kettle.

The individual made a piss poor decision and has been sentenced for it. If you do not like the sentence, then stop griping on an Internet forum and start talking to your politicians (local to Fed) to get Rob5589-approved minimum sentencing guidelines passed. Then talk to all levels of prosecutors and judges (local to Fed), including those running for office, and get them to enforce the laws and abide with the Rob5589-approved minimum sentencing guidelines. This way if an incident like this happens in your area, the individual will be punished according to your personal beliefs.

We'll just ignore the other 21K+ individuals that were murdered in the US the same year. Their lives clearly do not matter since they were not hunters, right?
So you have a history of making conscious decisions on which laws to comply with and which ones to break. May want to change your user name to Kettle.

The individual made a piss poor decision and has been sentenced for it. If you do not like the sentence, then stop griping on an Internet forum and start talking to your politicians (local to Fed) to get Rob5589-approved minimum sentencing guidelines passed. Then talk to all levels of prosecutors and judges (local to Fed), including those running for office, and get them to enforce the laws and abide with the Rob5589-approved minimum sentencing guidelines. This way if an incident like this happens in your area, the individual will be punished according to your personal beliefs.

We'll just ignore the other 21K+ individuals that were murdered in the US the same year. Their lives clearly do not matter since they were not hunters, right?
Are you really equating one speeding ticket in the last twenty plus years to killing someone? Show where I discounted others that were murdered as well as where I showed bias because the deceased was a hunter.
This is pittance compared to what he'll pay out in wrongful death money. He'll absolutely get clobbered in civil court, as he should. It should cost money to be stupid.

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Can't get blood out of a turnip.

Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk
This thread is about this specific case and not any other case. Case outcomes are vastly different. In this case and this case only, I think the judge failed. The guilty party got off with a slap on the wrist. 90 days in county jail is like summer camp. A parking ticket in a handicap zone is more than $500 bucks in some places. Meanwhile a innocent young man is dead. Dead because of an intentional negligent act. Only made more sickening by going into court and trying to get away with it. This country is in the shape it is in because no one in being held responsible for their actions. No consequences.
Can't get blood out of a turnip.

Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk
I know of cases where they've made the killer send money every week to the victims family along with a handwritten letter. Judge said he wanted the convicted to have to think about what he did for the rest of his life. I don't care if the dude is broke, I hope he stays broke til he dies.

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I could care less if the convicted has to live in a cardboard box the rest of his days, he's still alive. I absolutely hope they take everything he has and everything he makes going forward in a civil case. He played a stupid game, he should win a stupid prize.

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" the legal system has no spine,its corroding from inside,slap your hand you'll do no time. Murder,mayhem,anarchy all are now done legally,mastermind your killing spree. Unafraid of punishment with a passive government there's nothing for you to regret......."
I think alot of this comes down to whether you believe it was an accident or not. the facts and his action after the fact have shown that this was no accident and he had no remorse. that was even stated in court. I can say that if it were me in his shoes and it was truly an accident, then I would be devastated and would not drag it out in court. I would not need to be told to do anything because I would have given or done anything for that family to show how sorry i am.
I will admit I am a tad biased here because I know where the man is from. here in the northeast we are riddled with guys just like him. we have an old saying here "brown is down" and most of us know to stay out of public land during gun season. it's a sad fact here so I have no sympathy for this man and believe he should be removed from the equation. I am sure this is not the first time he's done this, only the first time he actually hit something.
Sad deal all the way around. I imagine the last year has been way more punishment than the courts could hand down. I personally don’t have an issue with the 90 days. This guys life is ruined, a young family’s life was ruined. Bad deal.
^ This. This was a terrible tragedy, and I doubt that more jail time could add anything more to what this guy and the family has already experienced. Hope everyone is able to heal and move forward, no matter how difficult it might be.