Just ordered one with a stove jack. Look forward to arrival and testing it out.
36 ounces.... ouch! I guess the extra weight is in the second door? Or is the Cimarron much bigger than I'm realizing?
The Bearpaw Luna 4 is 9" by 9" and weighs 29 oz. I'm reading up on the Cimarron stats, and I guess it's a little big bigger with the unique shape. The Luna 6, which is 10" by 10", is 36 oz. Is that size a better comparison? If so, then I take back the ouch comment.
I was gonna get the cimmaron as they are basically the same price, and the guy from Seek Outside said they were awesome ..... But shipments of them won't go out until mid to late May (as of last week) so I sadly hung my head and kept their LBO that I already have. They are super roomy tho
Luke, been researching a floorless setup for a bit now. I'm down to this or the Sawtooth. Really like the sawtooth but it's double the cost. I visited Seek Outside office in GJ today and was very impressed with the help. We set up the 8 man tipi and Cimarron (demo) in the park. Very cool set ups. Only draw back I had with the cimarron was it was crowded standing up (5'11"), granted I was told the demo was a bit smaller then the final. What if any issues have you had with the sawtooth?
Kevin, how much taller or wider is the final Cimarron compared to the demo in the office?
The first production run is shipping this week. I expect the second production run to ship in 3 weeks, so near the end of April
Got the email, my cimarron shipped out today....STOKED. I also spoke to Josh at Rota Locura today and will be picking up a CF pole to go with it. Kind of nice have both TI Goat and Rota Locura in my home town. The 16" cylinder stove from Ti Goat is what I am going to pair with the Cimarron.