Secondary Glass for WY Mule Deer

What should my friend have for glass?

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If you are talking about Western WY deer country. You would be seriously handicapping yourself without a good spotter. My 77mm Kowa is with me no matter how heavy my pack is. I have spent entire days behind just my spotter picking apart trees looking for the flick of an ear. Something binos just cant do at distance. And considering how rough of shape our deer herd is now, anything you can do to help yourself find deer is going to be a major help.
If you are talking about Western WY deer country. You would be seriously handicapping yourself without a good spotter. My 77mm Kowa is with me no matter how heavy my pack is. I have spent entire days behind just my spotter picking apart trees looking for the flick of an ear. Something binos just cant do at distance. And considering how rough of shape our deer herd is now, anything you can do to help yourself find deer is going to be a major help.
Looking at southern WY, but good insight.
Everyone should have their own pair of 10x binoculars (or 8x/12x) and a tripod.

For secondary optics I usually have one guy pack a spotter and the other pack 15x56 binoculars.

Going without a spotter will really limit deer ID beyond 1000 yards or so.
I’d feel very underprepared going into a mule deer hunt without a spotter. While it’s typically a rock, sometimes that questionable object actually turns out to be a deer!

I use an eyepatch and it drastically reduces eye fatigue while using a spotter
If he’s renting binos have him rent NL12’s. They are great freehand and phenomenal from a tripod.

The last two years I’ve packed in my 10’s, 15’s and 82mm spotter. Even the NL12’s are a compromise if you can’t have a chest rig and something bigger in the pack. I’d never go into mule deer country without one of my spotters. I’d rather leave my boots at home.
I went w 10x binocs and they turned out okay.

Do carry leupy something 3 binocs when hunting and fishing and bird watching. They were top of the line in 2017 but are crap now. Buddy has $175 leupy binocs the make deer stand out more….

Go, have fun. Enjoy.