Mountain Training Programs

May 28, 2024
I know some people say you can’t specifically train for the mountains.

But I’m looking for people who have ran the ElkShape programs, Mountain Tough, etc and what they think of them or if they adjusted anything at all or if anyone recommends some sort of training!


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You can specifically train for the mountains by rucking in the mountains.
You can't train for the mountains in the gym.
You also can't train specifically for your individual fitness needs with cookie cutter programs.
You can specifically train for the mountains by rucking in the mountains.
You can't train for the mountains in the gym.
You also can't train specifically for your individual fitness needs with cookie cutter programs.
I might be digging into semantics here, Coach- so apologies if so.

I'll push back a little here by saying that there's truth to 1 & 2, but they're not mutually exclusive and combined make a stellar preparation program.

Building strength through a muscular endurance program (predominately done with gym-like equipment, but not limited to do that...a pack, sand, etc. can work) combined with a progressively overloaded ruck training program will not only yield some pretty impressive results, but also dramatically reduce risk of injury for alot of folks who maybe don't train regularly.

OP: MTNTOUGH has programs for this. Uphill Athlete has several programs for this. Mike Prevost has a great (free) program for this. As does Exo Mtn Gear (in conjunction with Atomic Athlete-link will take you there). There's an entire thread dedicated to this on here 1-2 posts up at the time of this post with a few other free resources from the folks at GoRuck. ElkShape may too, but I'm not as familiar with Dan's stuff.
I might be digging into semantics here, Coach- so apologies if so.

I'll push back a little here by saying that there's truth to 1 & 2, but they're not mutually exclusive and combined make a stellar preparation program.

Building strength through a muscular endurance program (predominately done with gym-like equipment, but not limited to do that...a pack, sand, etc. can work) combined with a progressively overloaded ruck training program will not only yield some pretty impressive results, but also dramatically reduce risk of injury for alot of folks who maybe don't train regularly.

OP: MTNTOUGH has programs for this. Uphill Athlete has several programs for this. Mike Prevost has a great (free) program for this. As does Exo Mtn Gear (in conjunction with Atomic Athlete-link will take you there). There's an entire thread dedicated to this on here 1-2 posts up at the time of this post with a few other free resources from the folks at GoRuck. ElkShape may too, but I'm not as familiar with Dan's stuff.

Thanks for the reply! What is your opinion on MTMTOUGH pre season prep 2.0 program? Pretty good?

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Thanks for the reply! What is your opinion on MTMTOUGH pre season prep 2.0 program? Pretty good?

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Yes. But, in full disclosure: I know those folks on a personal level and helped develop the nutrition program in the app. So, I don’t want to tell you “Oh yeah! Don’t look anywhere else!!!” Instead, I’d encourage you to explore the options:

Check out this thread of folks who asked basically the same question you did and get their perspective. This forum is a tremendous community. Send one of them a message. I’m sure they’d be happy to answer your questions.

Check out the free options I referenced.

Sign up for the MTNTOUGH trial for 14 days (free) and run 2 weeks of pre-season prep to see if it’s what you’re wanting (you don’t add the rucks in until around week 3, so jump ahead and see if that’s what you’re aiming for). One big advantage the app offers over some of the free options is the comprehensive approach- nutrition, mobility, a load of other programs for intra- and post-season, support if you get stuck, etc.

The final thing I’d say is this: don’t get too hung up on analysis of the ‘perfect’ one. Find something you enjoy and can consistently execute. That will be the “best” one.
Thanks for the reply! What is your opinion on MTMTOUGH pre season prep 2.0 program? Pretty good?

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Chase I'll tell you I personally bought (I do get a veterans discount) and use the MTNTOUGH app on the daily. While I believe a personalized program could possibly achieve results faster by tailoring exactly to what you need, this kicks my ass every day. With plenty of other program choices if I want to switch it up.

For me i find it super easy to use which was the catalyst to getting me going and keeping that momentum to work out daily.

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I just completed the Post Season program of Mnt Tough and just started Pre Season 2.0 yesterday. I have been extremely happy with the program.

I have definitely noticed a huge increase in my performance in the hills and mountains over just my strength programs I had been doing for so many years. I think it’s a great all-round approach to fitness and there are a lot of other programs out there very similar.

I feel better, I recover faster and I can walk/hike without losing my breath as fast as I did even last fall.

The recovery part has been the most surprising thing to me. I have felt like my recovery was getting worse the last few years and that right there could really impact a hunt. If you can’t recover from the first day then you are not going to enjoy yourself much.

Check out the free trial of Mnt Tough and any others you can find. Pick the one you like the most and will stick with.

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I also get a military discount for mountain tough, the preseason prep has rucking almost once a week on the fifth day. I think it’s a very good program. Something I had to change is make sure you’re eating enough, if you’re doing that program every day you really have to push yourself to bring in sufficient calories.
I started Mtn Tough in November. I have only done the MGDs. I really like the coached format. Just push play and try to keep up. I’ve been pretty dedicated, only missing a few days.
Bear hunting in north Idaho this spring, although not super tough, made me think I’m on the right track.
The investment is well worth the return and drives me to not ‘waste’ my money. Would definitely recommend Mtn Tough.
And…if you need help dialing in nutrition, Kyle Kamp is the man. (V2PNutrition in posts 3 and 5 on this thread )
I’ve been doing MTNTOUGH pretty consistently for the last year(January and February were tough due to sickness). I’ve done KB20 twice, HP20, SB20, The Mountain, and MGD’s. I’m currently working through KB Diesel, and then I’m planning 45-70 and 30-30 2.0 before my October Wyoming elk hunt.

I’m from Ohio, don’t have an active/physically demanding job, and feel like the workouts have helped me on the mountain. I hiked Piestewa Peak twice back in September and felt great going up and down the mountain. I’m starting to get my diet dialed in which should help even more, I’m currently down to 190lb from 210lb.

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OP: MTNTOUGH has programs for this. Uphill Athlete has several programs for this. Mike Prevost has a great (free) program for this. As does Exo Mtn Gear (in conjunction with Atomic Athlete-link will take you there). There's an entire thread dedicated to this on here 1-2 posts up at the time of this post with a few other free resources from the folks at GoRuck. ElkShape may too, but I'm not as familiar with Dan's stuff.
They're general programs
They're not specific. They do not address the specific needs of the individual.
Specificity is king.
The closest thing there is to "general fitness" is absolute strength.
Yes building Endurance-Strength in the gym is helpful. It's not specific.
Mike Prevost's program that I am familiar with is pretty specific to rucking. I don't recall it being an actual program as much as it's a guideline.
Cookie cutter programs are designed to sell.