Screenshots of thinhorns through a spotting scope?

Oct 27, 2016
Fairbanks, Alaska
I’m going on my first sheep (dall sheep, specifically) hunt this year and though I’ve been studying every mount and set of horns I see, saving dozens of photos posted here, etc. I’ve never actually tried to judge a sheep through a spotting scope.

Does anyone have any screenshots through their spotter of rams (legal and sublegal) that I could use as practice?

Photo 1 - I count 8. Would wait for a new look as I don’t plan on counting rings for legality if I can help it.

Photo 2 - Bottom right appears to pass the stick test and his tips appear to pass the angle of his bases. Would have to wait to confirm.

Photo 3 - Does not pass stick test, bad angle to count rings, might pass circle test but would have to wait.

Photo 4 - Passes stick test and looks tips are beyond the base of the horn. Shoot immediately.

Photo 5 - Looks like he would pass the circle test and looks to be a good angle for it.

Photo 6 - Bottom center looks he would break the stick test on his right horn. Wait for different look. The right horn of the the ram to his upper left also looks to have potential, would have to wait.

Photo 7 - Left ram looks like he would pass the circle test, and potentially the stick test with a different angle. Would also need to take a closer look at the right horn of the ram on right.

How’d I do?
Super helpful, thank you. Is he the ram in your profile pic?

From the photos you sent, he strikes me close but sub-legal - the type of ram a guy could talk himself into and get in trouble.

Not sure, is he? Haha.

Same ram yes, totally forgot I had that pic in my profile pic. He's 9, but not legal by curl
Congrats on an great ram and thank you for the photos!

Thanks. He's most certainly not a 'big' ram but the region of BC he's from does seem to produce a bit smaller horned rams. I originally didnt think he was worth a look but aged him at 9 after several hours and decided that as he was older than my first ram I would take him. Great hunt overall. I'd still prefer to kill my next ram well over the bridge of his nose if given a choice! Haha
From the photos, the rams in photos 5, 7, 8 look legal or close enough for a close examination.

The ram in photos 2 and 3 looks like it is has potential too.

Any thoughts?
Photos 2-3 are of a 10 yo 39 inches I left out better photos purposely. The rest are all sub legal. Photos from above make the curl look smaller photos from below makes everything look full curl

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Thanks for starting this thread Carson and to those posting pictures.

I’ll also be on my first dall hunt in August and appreciate the opportunity to “practice” reviewing scope pics of legal vs non-legal rams here.
Photos 2-3 are of a 10 yo 39 inches I left out better photos purposely. The rest are all sub legal. Photos from above make the curl look smaller photos from below makes everything look full curl
Man I was off and is a good example of exactly why I posted this. Appreciate the “test”!
I’m not saying I would shoot off this alone, but he looks to pass the stick test here. If not he’s damn close and would probably pass the circle test.

He ended up passing stick, circle, and rings at 8. We spent a solid couple hours evaluating it. We were 99% there but it wasn’t until we got that picture I posted we felt good.


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