Scoring elk in Anchorage, Alaska


Nov 11, 2013
Anchorage, AK
Does anyone know where I can get elk antlers scored in Anchorage? Got a pretty good elk from Afognak this fall and just want to know how he scores.

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If you aren't looking for an official score, they really aren't that hard to score yourself.. Plenty of youtube videos on how to do it. Get yourself a soft tape and get after it!

Shouldn't have any trouble getting within a few inches.
I didn’t realize it was that simple. For green scoring, at least. I watched the videos, I got my flexible tape, and Hector scored out at 253. Pretty darn good for an Afognak Island, public land bull, I think.

Here he is on the way back to Anchorage and after Knights cleaned him up.



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This will show registered scorers in your area. I've used this to have bulls measured even with no intention to enter them. My experience is that these guys love doing it.
Son drew a cow tag for Afognak this fall and asked me to go with him and his friends. I’ll be camp cook and leave the meat packing to the young guys.
Any deer down low around the lakes?
It would be nice to shoot a fat doe for camp meat.