Scope Zero Check Thread


My Tikka 25 CM has been riding around in a soft case in a Decked drawer in the back of my Raptor since I shot it a week or so ago in the mountains in Eastern WA. In that drawer I also had another rifle in a soft case and tripod and other various gear.

Drove home and then back and forth to work all week. Friday I drove from Western WA to Eastern OR.

I pulled it out Friday to get power factor, shot three rounds into the dirt for velocity and tossed it back into the drawer on top of the case.

Total milage is close to 1000 miles of pavement and about 30 of dirt and gravel roads.

Pulled it out Saturday morning and started shooting the NRL match in LA Grande Oregon. First stage the targets were in the 400-500 yard range and I was hitting dead center. Next stage had targets over 925 yards. My elevation was spot on and I missed my wind call slightly.

I shot the rest of the match that day and the next and my rifle continued to hit the targets where expected throughout the match. I dropped a total of 23 points out of 136 possible and never once had an issue with the rifle, dope, or scope working as I expected them to.

I intentionally did not check zero when I shot for power factor on Friday just to show how much I trust this system after doing the same thing last year. I'll shoot the rifle some more over the next couple of weeks before flying down to a match in California in April.

More to come....
My rifle had an FOB this morning. Fell Outta Buggy. End over end and again.


We are out of sorts. Our house is torn up and dudes are working on it so I set up on a dirt pile as into the wind as I could. I had to bush hog a lane and relocate a Black Racer. It’s flukey wind today and gusty. Had a cold front come thru last night as did most of the east coast.

I couldn’t see the target when I went prone so I settled for the middle of an “A”.


I adjusted my windage turret .5 mil left and moved the orange target and hit it again.


22-250 barrel was hotter than a 2 dollar pistol.

Nice piece of carbon fiber in my thumb from operating safety.


I’m going to adjust my turret left .1 mil more and burn up the rest of this ammo. I’m using some random boxes of small quantities to get rid of them. These were Hornady 55gr FMJ with around 35.9 gr Accurate 2520 dropped from a Harrels Precision powder dropper.
Hell yeah! That is usually my main fear when hunting with a suppressor. In my mind, I feel like a hard enough spill and you will not be able to see that your suppressor is slightly bent. Glad all your stuff held up pretty damn good.
RSS 223 with 77tmks. Its not great shooting, but I think I could tighten it up if I went prone and a bipod.

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Tikka .223, SM lows, SWFA 3-9 all properly assembled. This rifle hasn't been mechanically altered or cleaned for almost 2 years and nearly 3k rounds.

the past 1200ish rounds have been the same load, and zero hasn't been adjusted since starting. Actually took a pic on yesterday's hike after seeing this thread. Almost had a coyote but he buggered as I built position. Layed down in the dirt and shot 10 rapid fire over pack.

View attachment 814757

Gun is zeroed. Another 5 kneeling over upright pack with two hitting same hole.

View attachment 814758

Then shooting 2.5ish moa rocks at 692 and 712 yards, dope is still good.

View attachment 814760
Several hundred miles in a truck bed, a few backpack rides to shooting locations, and about 120 rounds of shooting in mountains since the last post.

Everyone is wearing their seatbelt today.

I had a follow up issue on this drop.

I thought I was good and moved on and I tried to dial to .9 for a 300 yard impact on steel today and I had mush and some awkward clicks.

It was the right side allen set screw on my elevation turret cover. It must have been hanging on by a thread (pun intended) when I was checking zero the other day.

Easy fix but it could have cost me an animal in the field.

I should have checked everything.
6.5 PRC…57gr H1000 147gr Eld…RS1.2

I did a zero check on this rifle after my flight home from Maine on Halloween.

Not long after I pulled the rokstok to shoot a 308 action and 22-250 action while I waited for another stock.

Last night I installed a factory trigger spring and put it back in the stock.

First shots were low and left.


I adjusted up .1 and right .1 for the followups. I pulled the top shot because I suck at shooting.
