Zero check post 2 rounds of 3x36in drops at home.
First rifle
tikka 6.5 prc
Bushnell 3-12 LRS in UM Lows
Rifle is bedded in modified factory stock w/action screws torqued to 65
Every screw was decreased, loctite applied, and nail polish witness mark
Original zero only 5 rounds and in poor lighting (pic not posted).
First 2 shots were to the right. I dialed .2 mils left and shot 3 more.
I plan to repeat drops again to see what happens to the zero.
I won’t make any more adjustments before next zero check.
Second rifle
Tikka 223
Trijicon 3-9x40 in Sportsmatch to84c
Rifle is also bedded in modified factory stock w/action screws torqued to 65, all screws degreased, Loctite applied, and nail polish witness marks.
Also zeroed in poor light but with a 10 round zero (pic not available).
Same 2 rounds of 3x36in drops
First round post drops high left.
Shot 3 more with no adjustment, and those are on zero.
This appears to be consistent with forms evaluation of the Trijicon 3-9.
I plan to repeat exercise again and update results.
Edit- posted pics of measured first round impact. The 223 is probably within normal cone of fire.