scope mount options for mountain rifle.

Mar 10, 2013
rifle will be my all around mtn rig thoughts on base/rings

wanting the best off both worlds light yet will still keep reliability. have only used leupold prw and they broke now using warne maximas. bought new niteforce 30mm optic for a 308 rig (win mod 70 extreme weather ss). would a 1 piece base mount be overkill or stick with a talley type option? with having the leupolds break i will not use them again but was thinkin hard about murphy precision rings and 0 moa base or talley one piece mounts.... thoughts from people who have carried either, failure and success?
I have had good luck with Talley LWs, but some folks have had them break.

I use mostly TPS rings and rails. Makes it easy to switch optics on rifles.

If durability is the top priority check out Aadland mounts. They aren't lightweight though!
I have really only used Talley's on everything I use to hunt the mountains with. Haven't let me down as of yet.
Talley Lightweights first choice and Deadnutz would be my second, I have used and own both and have never had an issue.
I tossed my talleys, went to Leupy prw and just mounted a Nightforce Direct one piece 30mm.
I also bedded the base and lapped the rings.

my leupold prw rings broke walking them down evenly to 26'' pounds with a wheeler fat torx wrench, all new outa the boxes..... leupold replaced them. leaning towards murphy precision base and rings in titanium, spendy but maybe worth a try. the whole scope base thing seems like overkill on a hunting rig though and un needed weight, although i respect the efforts of using them to aid in success. never had any experience with them so i really do not know. seems bench shooters would benifit and or large calibers but maybe not my low recoil 308win.
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I haven't had luck with Leupolds or Talley LW rings, and neither will ever find a spot on my rifles again. Just no confidence in them.

I have Murphy Precision Ti bases and rings on one of my rifles that I've had issues in the past with rings and bases and I haven't looked back. I highly recommend them. They are an investment as they are expensive! On the contrary, I do not think they are overkill for a hunting rifle. I'll spend what it takes to get confidence in my setup. If you dial on your scope, I would look at getting the 20 MOA base.

Seekin's are another option to look at. A little cheaper than the Murphy Precision but rock solid and a fine piece of machining as well. You can't go wrong with either.
I have EGW 0 MOA picatinny mount and EGW HD rings on my Kimber 84M. I went to that from my old Leupold dual dovetail mounts when I had my rifle re-finished. Since then my rifle has been up and down mountains, on and off pack, in and out of boats and planes, taken regular dings and dangs encountered while hunting and held up just fine.

A friend of mine has Seekins on several of his rifles. I'd say can't go wrong with EGW or Seekings mount/rings. There are a lot of good quality brands out there.

Photo of Kimber with EGW base and rings.

Kimber 84M.jpg
26# is too tight for PRW clamps. Been there, done it, waiting for that wrench click that doesn't come...
I have a nice scope ring from the Talleys. Fortunately it was a cheap scope. I learned my lesson and now I'm a believer in a one piece base with a recoil lug and bedding it.
I've used several sets of Talley LWs over the years, but now prefer, by a wide margin, the S&K rings and bases. Adds a couple ounces per pair, but they are all steel, very well made and much stronger, IME.

I still have a set of LWs on my 223, but after a good friend and hunting buddy had a set crack on him, I just can't trust them on a 'serious rifle'.

It all depends what you need your rifle to do & YMMV :)
26# is too tight for PRW clamps. Been there, done it, waiting for that wrench click that doesn't come...
I have a nice scope ring from the Talleys. Fortunately it was a cheap scope. I learned my lesson and now I'm a believer in a one piece base with a recoil lug and bedding it.

called for 28''# went to 26''# instead. spoke with leupold befor i mounted he said 28''# for them as the package states. it seems too tight at 26'' #. was just as you stated.... waiting for the click that came late. re installed with warnes after and think i did 26''# as well and herd a slight sizzle.... will do it by feel now on.
I've used several sets of Talley LWs over the years, but now prefer, by a wide margin, the S&K rings and bases. Adds a couple ounces per pair, but they are all steel, very well made and much stronger, IME.

I still have a set of LWs on my 223, but after a good friend and hunting buddy had a set crack on him, I just can't trust them on a 'serious rifle'.

It all depends what you need your rifle to do & YMMV :)

sounds like talleys are like anything these days that are mass produced.... i really am one who would rather lean towards reliability than the cost of the item. for all the time spent thinking about the mountains, scouting, hunting even just being up there, having my weapon function is worth the little extra money spent on mounting a scope. seems custom and or smaller machine shops is the only way to replicate our past quality as a country, IMOP. thanx for the replys.
Never had an issue with a bunch of Talley LW's, I do really like the S&K, they are more. I only have used one set of S&K they have performed perfect for 5 years or so
not sure how you prep screws and threaded inserts for torquing but after cleaning well with carb cleaner or denatured alcohol I always give them a dab of imperial die wax to prevent galling when tightening. seems to insure a clean even torque and no the lube does not cause them to back out
I've used several sets of Talley LWs over the years, but now prefer, by a wide margin, the S&K rings and bases. Adds a couple ounces per pair, but they are all steel, very well made and much stronger, IME.

I still have a set of LWs on my 223, but after a good friend and hunting buddy had a set crack on him, I just can't trust them on a 'serious rifle'.

It all depends what you need your rifle to do & YMMV :)

I might know that buddy ;)

I have owned and used a pile of Talley lightweights but will not trust them anymore, period. One set broken on my primary sheep rifle for no apparent reason has steered me clear of them completely. That's all it takes for me. That broken front ring could have completely ruined a hunt if I hadn't caught it.

S&K or Leupold dual dovetails only now. I also really like Talley steel split rings but not for my hunting rifles.
x2 ( or more)

Absolutely agree

At least in AK, steel mounts tend to rust....
pretty much washington as well..... sounds like a one piece base is the way to go but i fight it in my head. just tonite a brought a rifle to go scouting and thought about how i had it in my hands when traversing and climbing. i rarely ever use a sling although its there. i carry it in many positions. one of witch is by the scope having my fingers under the elevation turret or wrap my hand around the ejection port and floorplate area with the rifle being upsidedown, prob cant do that with a single base. i know it would bug the hell outa me to never have those carry options. may be not the norm to some but i like it...
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