Help Please (Rifle scope for out to 600yd max (30mm tube / under 16x mag / 50mm obj)


Dec 7, 2016
BC, Canada
Hi team,

Riflescopes are a bit confusing for me. So many makes/models/reticles/etc...I get lost in the search process.

Hoping to draw on your experience and knowledge.

This riflescope is going on a fierce rogue 7prc.
Primary use will be backpack hunts for sheep/goat/mule deer.

I am not terribly concerned about weight. Rifle currently weights 6lb7oz with talley rings and a 3rd mag mod. 1.5 to 2lb would be find.

What I want:
- great eye relief
- forgiving eye box ... whatever that means ... but I want it :)
- wide field of view
- max mag not more than 16x
- leaning towards Second Focal Plane
- needs to be 30mm tube
- 50mm objective for good light ... and I assuming the 30mmm tube and 50mm obj helps field of view...
- I want to be able to dial elevation
- MOA please

in regards to windage, I am ok with capped if the reticle has MOA holdover for wind.

Hopefully someone went through a similar search process and can help.

thank you!!
If you’re going to hold wind in the reticle—which is exactly what you should be doing— you really should consider a ffp scope, or it’ll be much more difficult to use unless its on max magnification. Moa is already harder for most people to use for wind, so unless you have a LOT bigger brain than me (always possible) that’s a hardship best avoided. Were I in your shoes, regardless of moa or mils Id stay below about 10x if you go 2fp so that max magnification isnt so limiting, OR Id pick a ffp scope. Theres a solid handful of ffp reticles that are good for hunting even at lower magnification, although most Im familiar with are mil. Someone will come along and say they dont have an issue with this in a 2fp scope…to which I say only that I ‘ve known a few people that claimed this but when push came to shove I havent yet personally seen anyone able to use it as easily, as effectively, including myself. Im sure some people are able, I just think based on what I've seen that's more an exception than it is normal.
One of the maven 1.2’s everyone seems to like would work. A S&B klassic 3-12 with a 4.8mil turret will get you past 600. But those are both mil scopes. Not sure whats best in moa. Neither is a 50mm obj, although I believe s&b makes that scope in 50mm—but its pretty bright even at 42mm. (edit: eurooptic shows the 3-12x50 with turret, but only with a #4 reticle...I'd want the P3 for wind holds. Maybe call and ask if it'd be a contender for you)
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I agree with you on the SFP and lower mag.
I had someone recommend the v4 6-24 which didn't make sense based on the point you made around MOA reticle only working at max.

My hunting partner uses MOA so I was going to as well to keep it simple.

Meopta optika 6 has a 3-18 FFP with a illuminated floating horse shoes centre point that is interesting.

Zeiss has the v6 2-12 but they have busy reticle.

I don't think the vx6hd has the windplex. Either the duplex or the busier tree zmoa ones.

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