Our daycare never closed and kids up to 10 year's old attended full time. Zero instances of kids or adults transmitting Covid in the school. When our boy was sick with it, from my wife, he stayed home for two days and then was allowed back. No transmissions from that as he is the only child or adult there who has had it.
That jives with what I have given a cursory read to regarding children and Covid infections and transmissions. It seems really silly to me that kids can play sports now, rioters can have nightly non-distanced events, but there is pause about sending the least susceptible population back to school. Herd immunity is still the goal.
That jives with what I have given a cursory read to regarding children and Covid infections and transmissions. It seems really silly to me that kids can play sports now, rioters can have nightly non-distanced events, but there is pause about sending the least susceptible population back to school. Herd immunity is still the goal.